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 "Mysterious Team Bangladesh" Targeting India with DDoS Attacks and Data Breaches

"Mysterious Team Bangladesh" Targeting India with DDoS Attacks and Data Breaches

Aug 03, 2023 Cyber Attack / Data Safety
A hacktivist group known as  Mysterious Team Bangladesh  has been linked to over 750 distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks and 78 website defacements since June 2022. "The group most frequently attacks logistics, government, and financial sector organizations in India and Israel," Singapore-headquartered cybersecurity firm Group-IB said in a report shared with The Hacker News. "The group is primarily driven by religious and political motives." Some of the other targeted countries include Australia, Senegal, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Ethiopia. In addition, the threat actor is said to have gained access to web servers and administrative panels, likely by exploiting known security flaws or poorly-secured passwords. Mysterious Team Bangladesh, as the name indicates, is suspected to be of Bangladeshi origin. "We are working to protect Our Bangladesh Cyberspace," the group's Intro on Facebook  reads . The group has an active social media pre
EnemyBot Linux Botnet Now Exploits Web Server, Android and CMS Vulnerabilities

EnemyBot Linux Botnet Now Exploits Web Server, Android and CMS Vulnerabilities

May 30, 2022
A nascent Linux-based botnet named Enemybot has expanded its capabilities to include recently disclosed security vulnerabilities in its arsenal to target web servers, Android devices, and content management systems (CMS). "The malware is rapidly adopting one-day vulnerabilities as part of its exploitation capabilities," AT&T Alien Labs  said  in a technical write-up published last week. "Services such as VMware Workspace ONE, Adobe ColdFusion, WordPress, PHP Scriptcase and more are being targeted as well as IoT and Android devices." First disclosed by  Securonix  in March and later by  Fortinet , Enemybot has been linked to a threat actor tracked as Keksec (aka Kek Security, Necro, and FreakOut), with early attacks targeting routers from Seowon Intech, D-Link, and iRZ. Enemybot, which is capable of carrying out  DDoS attacks , draws its origins from several other botnets like Mirai, Qbot, Zbot, Gafgyt, and LolFMe. An analysis of the latest variant reveals
cyber security

New SaaS Security Solution at a No-Brainer Price - Start Free, Decide Later

websitewing.securitySaaS Security / SSPM
Wing Security recently released "Essential SSPM" to make SaaS security easy and accessible to anyone.
GitHub Again Hit by DDoS Cyberattack

GitHub Again Hit by DDoS Cyberattack

Aug 26, 2015
Github – the popular code sharing website used by programmers to collaborate on software development – again became a victim of a distributed-denial-of-service (DDoS) attack on Tuesday morning. The attack came just a few months after the popular code repository website GitHub suffered a massive DDoS attack, which was linked to China. Also Read: China Using A Powerful 'Great Cannon' Weapon to Censor The Internet The company was made aware of the issue early on Tuesday. After investigating the problem, the team discovered that the service was under a new DDoS attack. The code repository disclosed the new attack on its status page as well as its official Twitter account. "The connectivity problems have been identified as a DDoS attack. We're working to mitigate now," GitHub status log read early on Tuesday. The March DDoS attack against GitHub lasted close to a week . At the time, the attackers used malicious JavaScript to hijack Internet
Beebone Botnet Taken Down By International Cybercrime Taskforce

Beebone Botnet Taken Down By International Cybercrime Taskforce

Apr 10, 2015
U.S. and European law enforcement agencies have shut down a highly sophisticated piece of the botnet that had infected more than 12,000 computers worldwide , allowing hackers to steal victims' banking information and other sensitive data. The law enforcement agencies from the United States, United Kingdom and the European Union conducted a joint operation to get rid of the botnet across the globe and seized the command-and-control server that had been used to operate the nasty Beebone (also known as AAEH ) botnet . What's a Botnet? A botnet is a network of large number of computers compromised with malicious software and controlled surreptitiously by hackers without the knowledge of victims. Basically, a "botnet" is a hacker's "robot" that does the malicious work directed by hackers. Hackers and Cyber Criminals have brushed up their hacking skills and started using Botnets as a cyber weapon to carry out multiple crimes such as DDoS attacks
Millions of WordPress and Drupal Websites Vulnerable to DoS Attack

Millions of WordPress and Drupal Websites Vulnerable to DoS Attack

Aug 07, 2014
Users running the website on a self-hosted WordPress or on Drupal are strongly recommended to update their websites to the latest version immediately. A moderately critical vulnerability was discovered in the way Drupal and WordPress implement XMLRPC, which can lead an attacker to disable your website via a method known as Denial of Service (DoS) . VULNERABILITY RESULTS IN DoS ATTACK The latest update of WordPress 3.9.2 mainly addresses an issue in the PHP's XML processor that could be exploited to trigger a DoS (denial of service) attack . The vulnerability affects all previous versions of WordPress. The XML vulnerability was first reported by Nir Goldshlager , a security researcher from Salesforce.com's product security team, that impacts both the popular website platforms. The issue was later fixed by Michael Adams and Andrew Nacin of the WordPress security team and David Rothstein of the Drupal security team. ATTACK MAKES YOUR WEBSITE COMPLETELY INACCES
Over 20Gbps DDoS attacks Now Become Common for Hackers

Over 20Gbps DDoS attacks Now Become Common for Hackers

Mar 30, 2014
The Distributed Denial of Service ( DDoS ) attack has become more sophisticated and complex and therefore has become one of the favorite weapon for the cyber criminals to temporarily suspend the services of any host connected to the Internet and till now nearly every big site had been a victim of this attack, from WordPress to online game websites. According to the new report released by a US based security solutions provider  Incapsula , DDOS activities have become threefold since the start of the year 2013, pointing the key source of trash traffic to be the remotely controlled " zombie army " that can be used to flood various websites by DDoS attacks and other malicious activities. The report site as " DDOS Threat Landscape ", explains that almost one in every three DDoS attacks is above 20Gbps and 81% of attacks feature multiple vector threats. The attackers are becoming more skillful at working around the network security and reusing their DDOS Botnets to attack multi
Android Malware that can DDoS Attacks from your smartphone

Android Malware that can DDoS Attacks from your smartphone

Dec 28, 2012
The Russian anti-virus vendor Doctor Web has found a new malicious program for Android which allows hacker groups to carry out mobile denial of service attacks. While it's not entirely clear how the Trojan is spread, researchers suspect that the attackers use social engineering tactics since the malware appears to disguise itself as a Google Play clone. This malware works in the background without your knowledge. Once it is activated it searches for its command and control center and sends out information regarding your device there. One piece of information that will be sent is your phone number. The criminals will be using this number to send text messages to your phone to control the malware. Dubbed TheAndroid.DDoS.1.origin, creates an application icon, similar to that of Google Play. If the user decides to use the fake icon to access Google Play, the application will be launched. When it receives a DDoS attack command, the malware starts to send data packets to the sp
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