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API Security Trends 2023 – Have Organizations Improved their Security Posture?

API Security Trends 2023 – Have Organizations Improved their Security Posture?

Oct 03, 2023 API Security / Data Security
APIs, also known as application programming interfaces, serve as the backbone of modern software applications, enabling seamless communication and data exchange between different systems and platforms. They provide developers with an interface to interact with external services, allowing them to integrate various functionalities into their own applications. However, this increased reliance on APIs has also made them attractive targets for cybercriminals. In recent years, the rise of API breaches has become a growing concern in the world of cybersecurity. One of the main reasons behind the rise of API breaches is inadequate security measures implemented by developers and organizations. Many APIs are not properly secured, leaving them vulnerable to attacks. Moreover, hackers have developed sophisticated techniques that specifically target weaknesses within APIs. For example, they may leverage malicious code injections into requests or manipulate responses from an API endpoint to gain
APIs: Unveiling the Silent Killer of Cyber Security Risk Across Industries

APIs: Unveiling the Silent Killer of Cyber Security Risk Across Industries

Oct 02, 2023 API Security / Penetration Testing
Introduction In today's interconnected digital ecosystem, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) play a pivotal role in enabling seamless communication and data exchange between various software applications and systems. APIs act as bridges, facilitating the sharing of information and functionalities. However, as the use of APIs continues to rise, they have become an increasingly attractive target for cybercriminals and a significant cybersecurity risk across various industries. This article dives into the world of APIs, exploring why they pose substantial cybersecurity challenges and providing real-world examples of API breaches across different sectors. Download  API Security Guide . The API Revolution The proliferation of cloud computing, mobile apps, and the Internet of Things (IoT) has accelerated the adoption of APIs. They serve as the building blocks of modern software applications, enabling developers to integrate third-party services, enhance functionalities, and c
cyber security

New SaaS Security Solution at a No-Brainer Price - Start Free, Decide Later

websitewing.securitySaaS Security / SSPM
Wing Security recently released "Essential SSPM" to make SaaS security easy and accessible to anyone.
How to Prevent API Breaches: A Guide to Robust Security

How to Prevent API Breaches: A Guide to Robust Security

Sep 11, 2023 Data Security / API Security
With the growing reliance on web applications and digital platforms, the use of application programming interfaces (APIs) has become increasingly popular. If you aren't familiar with the term, APIs allow applications to communicate with each other and they play a vital role in modern software development. However, the rise of API use has also led to an increase in the number of API breaches. These breaches occur when unauthorized individuals or systems gain access to an API and the data it contains. And as victims can attest, breaches can have devastating consequences for both businesses and individuals. One of the primary concerns with API breaches is the exposure of sensitive data. APIs often contain or provide access to personal or financial information, and if this data falls into the wrong hands, it can be used for fraudulent activities or identity theft. API breaches can also lead to severe reputational damage for businesses. Customers and stakeholders expect their informatio
Webinar - Mastering API Security: Understanding Your True Attack Surface

Webinar - Mastering API Security: Understanding Your True Attack Surface

Jun 13, 2023 API Security / Webinar
Believe it or not, your attack surface is expanding faster than you realize. How? APIs, of course! More formally known as application programming interfaces, API calls are growing twice as fast as HTML traffic, making APIs an ideal candidate for new security solutions aimed at protecting customer data, according to Cloudflare. According to the "Quantifying the Cost of API Insecurity" report, US businesses incurred upwards of $23 billion in losses from API-related breaches in 2022. In fact, 76% of cybersecurity professionals admitted to experiencing an API-related security incident. This is why you can't afford to ignore your API security posture , especially when you consider that APIs don't exist in a vacuum. The infrastructure components powering those critical APIs can suffer from security misconfigurations as well, leaving you open to unexpected breaches. However, this isn't something you or your AppSec teams can take on alone, both in terms of volume and
How to Improve Your API Security Posture

How to Improve Your API Security Posture

Jun 08, 2023 API Security / DevSecOps
APIs, more formally known as application programming interfaces, empower apps and microservices to communicate and share data. However, this level of connectivity doesn't come without major risks. Hackers can exploit vulnerabilities in APIs to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data or even take control of the entire system. Therefore, it's essential to have a robust API security posture to protect your organization from potential threats. What is API posture management? API posture management refers to the process of monitoring and managing the security posture of your APIs. It involves identifying potential vulnerabilities and misconfigurations that could be exploited by attackers, and taking the necessary steps to remediate them. Posture management also helps organizations classify sensitive data and ensure that it's compliant with the leading data compliance regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS.  As mentioned above, APIs are a popular target for attackers
Critical OAuth Vulnerability in Expo Framework Allows Account Hijacking

Critical OAuth Vulnerability in Expo Framework Allows Account Hijacking

May 27, 2023 API Security / Vulnerability
A critical security vulnerability has been disclosed in the Open Authorization (OAuth) implementation of the application development framework Expo.io. The shortcoming, assigned the CVE identifier  CVE-2023-28131 , has a severity rating of 9.6 on the CVSS scoring system. API security firm Salt Labs  said  the issue rendered services using the framework susceptible to credential leakage, which could then be used to hijack accounts and siphon sensitive data. Under certain circumstances, a threat actor could have taken advantage of the flaw to perform arbitrary actions on behalf of a compromised user on various platforms such as Facebook, Google, or Twitter. Expo, similar to Electron, is an open source platform for developing universal native apps that run on Android, iOS, and the web. It's worth noting that for the attack to be successful, sites and applications using Expo should have configured the AuthSession Proxy setting for single sign-on (SSO) using a third-party provider
Are Your APIs Leaking Sensitive Data?

Are Your APIs Leaking Sensitive Data?

May 22, 2023 API Security / Cybersecurity
It's no secret that data leaks have become a major concern for both citizens and institutions across the globe. They can cause serious damage to an organization's reputation, induce considerable financial losses, and even have serious legal repercussions. From the infamous Cambridge Analytica scandal to the Equifax data breach, there have been some pretty high-profile leaks resulting in massive consequences for the world's biggest brands. Breaches can also have a huge impact on individuals as well – ultimately leading to the loss of personal information, such as passwords or credit card details, which could be used by criminals for malicious purposes. Most notably victims are left vulnerable to identity theft or financial fraud.  When you think about the sheer volume of these leaks, one would imagine that the world would stop and focus on the attack vector(s) being exploited. The unfortunate reality is the world didn't stop. To make things more interesting, the most
Why Shadow APIs are More Dangerous than You Think

Why Shadow APIs are More Dangerous than You Think

Apr 13, 2023 API Security / Cyber Security
Shadow APIs are a growing risk for organizations of all sizes as they can mask malicious behavior and induce substantial data loss. For those that aren't familiar with the term, shadow APIs are a type of application programming interface (API) that isn't officially documented or supported.  Contrary to popular belief, it's unfortunately all too common to have APIs in production that no one on your operations or security teams knows about. Enterprises manage thousands of APIs, many of which are not routed through a proxy such as an API gateway or web application firewall. This means they aren't monitored, are rarely audited, and are most vulnerable.  Since they aren't visible to security teams, shadow APIs provide hackers with a defenseless path to exploit vulnerabilities. These APIs can potentially be manipulated by malicious actors to gain access to a range of sensitive information, from customer addresses to company financial records. Considering the potential
AlienFox Malware Targets API Keys and Secrets from AWS, Google, and Microsoft Cloud Services

AlienFox Malware Targets API Keys and Secrets from AWS, Google, and Microsoft Cloud Services

Mar 30, 2023 Cloud Security / Cyber Threat
A new "comprehensive toolset" called  AlienFox  is being distributed on Telegram as a way for threat actors to harvest credentials from API keys and secrets from popular cloud service providers. "The spread of AlienFox represents an unreported trend towards attacking more minimal cloud services, unsuitable for crypto mining, in order to enable and expand subsequent campaigns," SentinelOne security researcher Alex Delamotte  said  in a report shared with The Hacker News. The cybersecurity company characterized the malware as highly modular and constantly evolving to accommodate new features and performance improvements. The primary use of AlienFox is to enumerate misconfigured hosts via scanning platforms like  LeakIX  and  SecurityTrails , and subsequently leverage various scripts in the toolkit to extract credentials from configuration files exposed on the servers. Specifically, it entails searching for susceptible servers associated with popular web framewor
Smart Mobility has a Blindspot When it Comes to API Security

Smart Mobility has a Blindspot When it Comes to API Security

Mar 29, 2023 API Security / Automotive Security
The emergence of smart mobility services and applications has led to a sharp increase in the use of APIs in the automotive industry. However, this increased reliance on APIs has also made them one of the most common attack vectors. According to Gartner, APIs account for 90% of the web application attack surface areas.  With no surprise, similar trends are emerging also in the smart mobility space. A recent  Automotive and Smart Mobility Cybersecurity Report  by Upstream Security indicates that the automotive and smart mobility ecosystem has seen a 380% increase in API-based incidents in 2022, compared to 2021. Additionally, APIs accounted for 12% of total cyber incidents in 2022, up from only 2% in 2021.  When examining smart mobility applications and services, Upstream's threat intelligence team reported that black-hat actors were found to be behind 53% of incidents, indicating malicious intent as the driving force of the majority of API-related attacks. The impact of these in
Application Security vs. API Security: What is the difference?

Application Security vs. API Security: What is the difference?

Feb 28, 2023 Security Platform / API Security
As digital transformation takes hold and businesses become increasingly reliant on digital services, it has become more important than ever to secure applications and APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). With that said, application security and API security are two critical components of a comprehensive security strategy. By utilizing these practices, organizations can protect themselves from malicious attacks and security threats, and most importantly, ensure their data remains secure. Interestingly enough, despite the clear advantages these disciplines provide, businesses are struggling to understand which security approach is best for their needs. So in this article, we'll discuss the differences between application and API security, best practices that you should consider, and ultimately make the case for why you need both.  What is Application Security Application security, better known as AppSec, is a critical aspect of any organization's cybersecurity strategy.
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