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Do You Really Trust Your Web Application Supply Chain?

Do You Really Trust Your Web Application Supply Chain?

Sep 20, 2023 Web Application Security
Well, you shouldn't. It may already be hiding vulnerabilities. It's the modular nature of modern web applications that has made them so effective. They can call on dozens of third-party web components, JS frameworks, and open-source tools to deliver all the different functionalities that keep their customers happy, but this chain of dependencies is also what makes them so vulnerable. Many of those components in the web application supply chain are controlled by a third party—the company that created them. This means that no matter how rigorous you were with your own static code analysis, code reviews, penetration testing, and other SSDLC processes, most of your supply chain's security is in the hands of whoever built its third-party components. With their huge potential for weak spots, and their widespread use in the lucrative ecommerce, financial and medical industries, web application supply chains present a juicy target for cyber attackers. They can target any one of the doz
Avoiding Death by a Thousand Scripts: Using Automated Content Security Policies

Avoiding Death by a Thousand Scripts: Using Automated Content Security Policies

Jul 12, 2022
Businesses know they need to secure their client-side scripts. Content security policies (CSPs) are a great way to do that. But CSPs are cumbersome. One mistake and you have a potentially significant client-side security gap. Finding those gaps means long and tedious hours (or days) in manual code reviews through thousands of lines of script on your web applications. Automated content security policies can help streamline the code review process by first identifying all first- and third-party scripts and the assets they access, and then generating an appropriate content security policy to help better secure the client-side attack surface. There are few developers or AppSec professionals who claim to enjoy deploying CSPs. First, the CSP has to work for the specific web application. Then the team needs to make sure it provides the appropriate level of protection. The CSP also can't conflict with any existing widgets or plugins (or the decision must be made to not deploy the CSP or dea
cyber security

New SaaS Security Solution at a No-Brainer Price - Start Free, Decide Later

websitewing.securitySaaS Security / SSPM
Wing Security recently released "Essential SSPM" to make SaaS security easy and accessible to anyone.
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