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Ransomware Attacks Double: Are Companies Prepared for 2024's Cyber Threats?

Ransomware Attacks Double: Are Companies Prepared for 2024's Cyber Threats?
Oct 13, 2023 Threat Intelligence / Malware
Ransomware attacks have only increased in sophistication and capabilities over the past year. From new evasion and anti-analysis techniques to stealthier variants coded in new languages, ransomware groups have adapted their tactics to effectively bypass common defense strategies.  Cyble, a renowned cyber threat intelligence company recognized for its research and findings, recently released its  Q3 Ransomware Report . This article delves into the significant developments from the third quarter of 2023, as detailed in the Q3 Ransomware Report, and offers predictions for upcoming quarters. The primary objective is to provide a comprehensive recap of the major targets, both sector-wise and by nation and region. Additionally, the article will highlight new techniques used, emphasizing major incidents and developments that potential targets should be aware of. We will also discuss anticipated trends in the future evolution of ransomware. The increased weaponization of Vulnerabilities to

FBI, CISA Warn of Rising AvosLocker Ransomware Attacks Against Critical Infrastructure

FBI, CISA Warn of Rising AvosLocker Ransomware Attacks Against Critical Infrastructure
Oct 13, 2023 Data Security / Malware
The AvosLocker ransomware gang has been linked to attacks against critical infrastructure sectors in the U.S., with some of them detected as recently as May 2023. That's according to a new joint cybersecurity advisory released by the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) detailing the ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) operation's tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs). "AvosLocker affiliates compromise organizations' networks by using legitimate software and open-source remote system administration tools," the agencies  said . "AvosLocker affiliates then use exfiltration-based data extortion tactics with threats of leaking and/or publishing stolen data." The ransomware strain  first emerged  on the scene in mid-2021, and has since leveraged sophisticated techniques to disable antivirus protection as a detection evasion measure. It affects Windows, Linux, and VMware ESXi environment

New SaaS Security Solution at a No-Brainer Price - Start Free, Decide Later

websitewing.securitySaaS Security / SSPM
Wing Security recently released "Essential SSPM" to make SaaS security easy and accessible to anyone.

Microsoft Defender Thwarts Large-Scale Akira Ransomware Attack

Microsoft Defender Thwarts Large-Scale Akira Ransomware Attack
Oct 12, 2023 Threat Intelligence /
Microsoft on Wednesday said that a user containment feature in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint helped thwart a "large-scale remote encryption attempt" made by  Akira ransomware actors  targeting an unknown industrial organization in early June 2023. The tech giant's threat intelligence team is tracking the operator as Storm-1567. The attack leveraged devices that were not onboarded to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint as a defense evasion tactic, while also conducting a series of reconnaissance and lateral movement activities prior to encrypting the devices using a compromised user account. But the new  automatic attack disruption capability  meant that the breached accounts are prevented from "accessing endpoints and other resources in the network, limiting attackers' ability to move laterally regardless of the account's Active Directory state or privilege level." In other words, the idea is to cut off all inbound and outbound communication and proh

QakBot Threat Actors Still in Action, Using Ransom Knight and Remcos RAT in Latest Attacks

QakBot Threat Actors Still in Action, Using Ransom Knight and Remcos RAT in Latest Attacks
Oct 05, 2023 Ransomware / Malware
Despite the disruption to its infrastructure, the threat actors behind the QakBot malware have been linked to an ongoing phishing campaign since early August 2023 that led to the delivery of Ransom Knight (aka Cyclops) ransomware and Remcos RAT. This indicates that "the law enforcement operation may not have impacted Qakbot operators' spam delivery infrastructure but rather only their command-and-control (C2) servers," Cisco Talos researcher Guilherme Venere  said  in a new report published today. The activity has been attributed with moderate confidence by the cybersecurity firm to QakBot affiliates. There is no evidence to date that the threat actors have resumed distributing the malware loader itself post-infrastructure takedown. QakBot, also called QBot and Pinkslipbot, originated as a Windows-based banking trojan in 2007 and subsequently developed capabilities to deliver additional payloads, including ransomware. In late August 2023, the notorious malware operation was dealt

FBI Warns of Rising Trend of Dual Ransomware Attacks Targeting U.S. Companies

FBI Warns of Rising Trend of Dual Ransomware Attacks Targeting U.S. Companies
Sep 30, 2023 Ransomware / Cyber Threat
The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is warning of a new trend of dual ransomware attacks targeting the same victims, at least since July 2023. "During these attacks, cyber threat actors deployed two different ransomware variants against victim companies from the following variants: AvosLocker, Diamond, Hive, Karakurt, LockBit, Quantum, and Royal," the FBI  said  in an alert. "Variants were deployed in various combinations." Not much is known about the scale of such attacks, although it's believed that they happen in close proximity to one another, ranging from anywhere between 48 hours to within 10 days. Another notable change observed in ransomware attacks is the increased use of custom data theft, wiper tools, and malware to exert pressure on victims to pay up. "This use of dual ransomware variants resulted in a combination of data encryption, exfiltration, and financial losses from ransom payments," the agency said. "Second ran

ShadowSyndicate: A New Cybercrime Group Linked to 7 Ransomware Families

ShadowSyndicate: A New Cybercrime Group Linked to 7 Ransomware Families
Sep 26, 2023 Cybercrime / Malware
Cybersecurity experts have shed light on a new cybercrime group known as  ShadowSyndicate  (formerly Infra Storm) that may have leveraged as many as seven different ransomware families over the past year. "ShadowSyndicate is a threat actor that works with various ransomware groups and affiliates of ransomware programs," Group-IB and Bridewell  said  in a joint technical report. The actor, active since July 16, 2022, has linked to ransomware activity related to Quantum, Nokoyawa, BlackCat, Royal, Cl0p, Cactus, and Play strains, while also deploying off-the-shelf post-exploitation tools like  Cobalt Strike  and  Sliver  as well as loaders such as  IcedID  and  Matanbuchus . The findings are based on a distinct SSH fingerprint (1ca4cbac895fc3bd12417b77fc6ed31d) discovered on 85 servers, 52 of which have been used as command-and-control (C2) for Cobalt Strike. Among those servers are eight different Cobalt Strike license keys (or watermarks). A majority of the servers (23) a

Cyber Group 'Gold Melody' Selling Compromised Access to Ransomware Attackers

Cyber Group 'Gold Melody' Selling Compromised Access to Ransomware Attackers
Sep 21, 2023 Cyber Threat / Ransomware
A financially motivated threat actor has been outed as an initial access broker (IAB) that sells access to compromised organizations for other adversaries to conduct follow-on attacks such as ransomware. SecureWorks Counter Threat Unit (CTU) has dubbed the e-crime group  Gold Melody , which is also known by the names Prophet Spider (CrowdStrike) and UNC961 (Mandiant). "This financially motivated group has been active since at least 2017, compromising organizations by exploiting vulnerabilities in unpatched internet-facing servers," the cybersecurity company  said . "The victimology suggests opportunistic attacks for financial gain rather than a targeted campaign conducted by a state-sponsored threat group for espionage, destruction, or disruption." Gold Melody has been  previously   linked  to  attacks  exploiting security flaws in JBoss Messaging (CVE-2017-7504), Citrix ADC (CVE-2019-19781), Oracle WebLogic (CVE-2020-14750 and CVE-2020-14882), GitLab (CVE-20

Cybercriminals Combine Phishing and EV Certificates to Deliver Ransomware Payloads

Cybercriminals Combine Phishing and EV Certificates to Deliver Ransomware Payloads
Sep 15, 2023 Ransomware / Cyber Threat
The threat actors behind RedLine and Vidar information stealers have been observed pivoting to ransomware through phishing campaigns that spread initial payloads signed with Extended Validation ( EV ) code signing certificates. "This suggests that the threat actors are streamlining operations by making their techniques multipurpose," Trend Micro researchers  said  in a new analysis published this week. In the incident investigated by the cybersecurity company, an unnamed victim is said to have first received a piece of info stealer malware with EV code signing certificates, followed by ransomware using the same delivery technique. In the past,  QakBot infections  have leveraged  samples signed with valid code signing certificates  to bypass security protections. The attacks start with phishing emails that employ well-worn lures to trick victims into running malicious attachments that masquerade as PDF or JPG images but are actually executables that jump-start the comprom

Rust-Written 3AM Ransomware: A Sneak Peek into a New Malware Family

Rust-Written 3AM Ransomware: A Sneak Peek into a New Malware Family
Sep 13, 2023 Ransomware / Malware
A new ransomware family called  3AM  has emerged in the wild after it was detected in a single incident in which an unidentified affiliate deployed the strain following an unsuccessful attempt to deliver LockBit (attributed to Bitwise Spider  or  Syrphid ) in the target network. "3AM is written in Rust and appears to be a completely new malware family," the Symantec Threat Hunter Team, part of Broadcom,  said  in a report shared with The Hacker News. "The ransomware attempts to stop multiple services on the infected computer before it begins encrypting files. Once encryption is complete, it attempts to delete Volume Shadow (VSS) copies." 3AM gets its name from the fact that it's referenced in the ransom note. It also appends encrypted files with the extension .threeamtime. That said, it's currently not known if the malware authors have any connections with known e-crime groups. In the attack spotted by Symantec, the adversary is said to have managed to

Threat Actors Targeting Microsoft SQL Servers to Deploy FreeWorld Ransomware

Threat Actors Targeting Microsoft SQL Servers to Deploy FreeWorld Ransomware
Sep 01, 2023 Database Security / Ransomware
Threat actors are exploiting poorly secured Microsoft SQL (MS SQL) servers to deliver Cobalt Strike and a ransomware strain called FreeWorld. Cybersecurity firm Securonix, which has dubbed the campaign DB#JAMMER , said it stands out for the way the toolset and infrastructure is employed. "Some of these tools include enumeration software, RAT payloads, exploitation and credential stealing software, and finally ransomware payloads," security researchers Den Iuzvyk, Tim Peck, and Oleg Kolesnikov said in a technical breakdown of the activity. "The ransomware payload of choice appears to be a newer variant of Mimic ransomware called FreeWorld." Initial access to the victim host is achieved by brute-forcing the MS SQL server, using it to enumerate the database and leveraging the xp_cmdshell configuration option to run shell commands and conduct reconnaissance. The next stage entails taking steps to impair system firewall and establish persistence by connecting to a remote SMB share

SapphireStealer Malware: A Gateway to Espionage and Ransomware Operations

SapphireStealer Malware: A Gateway to Espionage and Ransomware Operations
Aug 31, 2023 Malware / Cyber Threat
An open-source .NET-based information stealer malware dubbed  SapphireStealer  is being used by multiple entities to enhance its capabilities and spawn their own bespoke variants. "Information-stealing malware like SapphireStealer can be used to obtain sensitive information, including corporate credentials, which are often resold to other threat actors who leverage the access for additional attacks, including operations related to espionage or ransomware/extortion," Cisco Talos researcher Edmund Brumaghin  said  in a report shared with The Hacker News. An entire ecosystem has developed over time that allows both financially motivated and nation-state actors to use services from purveyors of stealer malware to carry out various kinds of attacks. Viewed in that light, such malware not only represents an evolution of the cybercrime-as-a-service (CaaS) model, they also offer other threat actors to monetize the stolen data to distribute ransomware, conduct data theft, and other maliciou

Alert: Juniper Firewalls, Openfire, and Apache RocketMQ Under Attack from New Exploits

Alert: Juniper Firewalls, Openfire, and Apache RocketMQ Under Attack from New Exploits
Aug 30, 2023 Cyber Attack / Vulnerability
Recently disclosed security flaws impacting Juniper firewalls, Openfire, and Apache RocketMQ servers have come under active exploitation in the wild, according to multiple reports. The Shadowserver Foundation  said  that it's "seeing exploitation attempts from multiple IPs for Juniper J-Web CVE-2023-36844 (& friends) targeting /webauth_operation.php endpoint," the same day a proof-of-concept (PoC) became available. The  issues , tracked as CVE-2023-36844, CVE-2023-36845, CVE-2023-36846, and CVE-2023-36847, reside in the J-Web component of Junos OS on Juniper SRX and EX Series. They could be chained by an unauthenticated, network-based attacker to execute arbitrary code on susceptible installations. Patches for the flaw were released on August 17, 2023, a week after which watchTowr Labs published a proof-of-concept (PoC) by combining CVE-2023-36846 and CVE-2023-36845 to execute a PHP file containing malicious shellcode. Currently, there are  more than 8,200 Junip

LockBit 3.0 Ransomware Builder Leak Gives Rise to Hundreds of New Variants

LockBit 3.0 Ransomware Builder Leak Gives Rise to Hundreds of New Variants
Aug 26, 2023 Endpoint Security / Cyber Threat
The leak of the  LockBit 3.0 ransomware  builder last year has led to threat actors abusing the tool to spawn new variants. Russian cybersecurity company Kaspersky said it detected a ransomware intrusion that deployed a version of LockBit but with a markedly different ransom demand procedure. "The attacker behind this incident decided to use a different ransom note with a headline related to a previously unknown group, called NATIONAL HAZARD AGENCY," security researchers Eduardo Ovalle and Francesco Figurelli  said . The revamped ransom note directly specified the amount to be paid to obtain the decryption keys, and directed communications to a Tox service and email, unlike the LockBit group, which doesn't mention the amount and uses its own communication and negotiation platform. NATIONAL HAZARD AGENCY is far from the only cybercrime gang to use the leaked LockBit 3.0 builder. Some of the other threat actors known to leverage it include  Bl00dy and Buhti . Kaspersk

Spacecolon Toolset Fuels Global Surge in Scarab Ransomware Attacks

Spacecolon Toolset Fuels Global Surge in Scarab Ransomware Attacks
Aug 23, 2023 Ransomware / Malware
A malicious toolset dubbed  Spacecolon  is being deployed as part of an ongoing campaign to spread variants of the Scarab ransomware across victim organizations globally. "It probably finds its way into victim organizations by its operators compromising vulnerable web servers or via brute forcing RDP credentials," ESET security researcher Jakub Souček  said  in a detailed technical write-up published Tuesday. The Slovak cybersecurity firm, which dubbed the threat actor CosmicBeetle, said the origins of the Spacecolon date back to May 2020. The highest concentration of victims has been detected in France, Mexico, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, and Turkey. While the exact provenance of the adversary is unclear, several Spacecolon variants are said to contain Turkish strings, likely pointing to the involvement of a Turkish-speaking developer. There is no evidence currently linking it to any other known threat actor group. Some of the targets include a hospital and a tourist reso
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