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Cyber Group 'Gold Melody' Selling Compromised Access to Ransomware Attackers

Cyber Group 'Gold Melody' Selling Compromised Access to Ransomware Attackers
Sep 21, 2023 Cyber Threat / Ransomware
A financially motivated threat actor has been outed as an initial access broker (IAB) that sells access to compromised organizations for other adversaries to conduct follow-on attacks such as ransomware. SecureWorks Counter Threat Unit (CTU) has dubbed the e-crime group  Gold Melody , which is also known by the names Prophet Spider (CrowdStrike) and UNC961 (Mandiant). "This financially motivated group has been active since at least 2017, compromising organizations by exploiting vulnerabilities in unpatched internet-facing servers," the cybersecurity company  said . "The victimology suggests opportunistic attacks for financial gain rather than a targeted campaign conducted by a state-sponsored threat group for espionage, destruction, or disruption." Gold Melody has been  previously   linked  to  attacks  exploiting security flaws in JBoss Messaging (CVE-2017-7504), Citrix ADC (CVE-2019-19781), Oracle WebLogic (CVE-2020-14750 and CVE-2020-14882), GitLab (CVE-20

Financially Motivated UNC3944 Threat Actor Shifts Focus to Ransomware Attacks

Financially Motivated UNC3944 Threat Actor Shifts Focus to Ransomware Attacks
Sep 18, 2023 Threat Intelligence / Ransomware
The financially motivated threat actor known as  UNC3944  is pivoting to ransomware deployment as part of an expansion to its monetization strategies, Mandiant has revealed. "UNC3944 has demonstrated a stronger focus on stealing large amounts of sensitive data for extortion purposes and they appear to understand Western business practices, possibly due to the geographical composition of the group," the threat intelligence firm  said . "UNC3944 has also consistently relied on publicly available tools and legitimate software in combination with malware available for purchase on underground forums." The group, also known by the names 0ktapus, Scatter Swine, and Scattered Spider, has been active since early 2022, adopting phone-based social engineering and SMS-based phishing to obtain employees' valid credentials using bogus sign-in pages and infiltrate victim organizations, mirroring tactics adopted by another group called  LAPSUS$ . While the group originall

New SaaS Security Solution at a No-Brainer Price - Start Free, Decide Later

websitewing.securitySaaS Security / SSPM
Wing Security recently released "Essential SSPM" to make SaaS security easy and accessible to anyone.

Hackers Deploy "SUBMARINE" Backdoor in Barracuda Email Security Gateway Attacks

Hackers Deploy "SUBMARINE" Backdoor in Barracuda Email Security Gateway Attacks
Jul 29, 2023 Email Security / Vulnerability
The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) on Friday disclosed details of a "novel persistent backdoor" called  SUBMARINE  deployed by threat actors in connection with the hack on Barracuda Email Security Gateway (ESG) appliances. "SUBMARINE comprises multiple artifacts — including a SQL trigger, shell scripts, and a loaded library for a Linux daemon — that together enable execution with root privileges, persistence, command and control, and cleanup," the agency  said . The findings come from an analysis of malware samples obtained from an unnamed organization that had been compromised by threat actors exploiting a critical flaw in ESG devices,  CVE-2023-2868  (CVSS score: 9.8), which allows for remote command injection. Evidence gathered so far shows that the attackers behind the activity, a suspected China nexus-actor tracked by Mandiant as  UNC4841 , leveraged the flaw as a zero-day in October 2022 to gain initial access to victim envir

Alert! Hackers Exploiting Critical Vulnerability in VMware's Aria Operations Networks

Alert! Hackers Exploiting Critical Vulnerability in VMware's Aria Operations Networks
Jun 21, 2023 Vulnerability / Network Security
VMware has flagged that a recently patched critical command injection vulnerability in Aria Operations for Networks (formerly vRealize Network Insight) has come under active exploitation in the wild. The flaw, tracked as  CVE-2023-20887 , could  allow  a malicious actor with network access to the product to perform a command injection attack, resulting in remote code execution. It impacts VMware Aria Operations Networks versions 6.x, with fixes released in versions 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5.1, 6.6, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, and 6.10 on June 7, 2023. Now according to an update shared by the virtualization services provider on June 20, 2023, the flaw has been weaponized in real-world attacks, although the exact specifics are unknown as yet. "VMware has confirmed that exploitation of CVE-2023-20887 has occurred in the wild," the company  noted . Data gathered by threat intelligence firm GreyNoise  shows  active exploitation of the flaw from two different IP addresses located in the Netherl

New COSMICENERGY Malware Exploits ICS Protocol to Sabotage Power Grids

New COSMICENERGY Malware Exploits ICS Protocol to Sabotage Power Grids
May 26, 2023 ICS/SCADA Security
A new strain of malicious software that's engineered to penetrate and disrupt critical systems in industrial environments has been unearthed. Google-owned threat intelligence firm Mandiant dubbed the malware  COSMICENERGY , adding it was uploaded to the VirusTotal public malware scanning utility in December 2021 by a submitter in Russia. There is no evidence that it has been put to use in the wild. "The malware is designed to cause electric power disruption by interacting with IEC 60870-5-104 (IEC-104) devices, such as remote terminal units ( RTUs ), that are commonly leveraged in electric transmission and distribution operations in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia," the company  said . COSMICENERGY is the latest addition to  specialized   malware  like Stuxnet, Havex, Triton, IRONGATE, BlackEnergy2, Industroyer, and PIPEDREAM, which are capable of sabotaging critical systems and wreaking havoc. Mandiant said that there are circumstantial links that it may have bee

Threat Group UNC3944 Abusing Azure Serial Console for Total VM Takeover

Threat Group UNC3944 Abusing Azure Serial Console for Total VM Takeover
May 17, 2023 SIM Swapping / Server Security
A financially motivated cyber actor has been observed abusing Microsoft Azure  Serial Console  on virtual machines (VMs) to install third-party remote management tools within compromised environments. Google-owned Mandiant attributed the activity to a threat group it tracks under the name  UNC3944 , which is also known as Roasted 0ktapus and Scattered Spider. "This method of attack was unique in that it avoided many of the traditional detection methods employed within Azure and provided the attacker with full administrative access to the VM," the threat intelligence firm  said . The emerging adversary, which first came to light late last year, is known to  leverage SIM swapping attacks  to breach telecommunications and business process outsourcing (BPO) companies since at least May 2022. Subsequently, Mandiant also  found  UNC3944 utilizing a loader named STONESTOP to install a malicious signed driver dubbed POORTRY that's designed to terminate processes associated

Why Honeytokens Are the Future of Intrusion Detection

Why Honeytokens Are the Future of Intrusion Detection
May 10, 2023 Intrusion Detection / Honeypot
A few weeks ago, the 32nd edition of RSA, one of the world's largest cybersecurity conferences, wrapped up in San Francisco. Among the highlights, Kevin Mandia, CEO of Mandiant at Google Cloud, presented a retrospective on  the state of cybersecurity . During his keynote, Mandia stated: "There are clear steps organizations can take beyond common safeguards and security tools to strengthen their defenses and increase their chances of detecting, thwarting or minimizing attack [...] Honeypots , or fake accounts deliberately left untouched by authorized users,  are effective at helping organizations detect intrusions or malicious activities that security products can't stop ". "Build honeypots" was one of his seven pieces of advice to help organizations avoid some of the attacks that might require engagement with Mandiant or other incident response firms. As a reminder, honeypots are  decoy systems  that are set up to lure attackers and divert their attentio

North Korean Hackers Uncovered as Mastermind in 3CX Supply Chain Attack

North Korean Hackers Uncovered as Mastermind in 3CX Supply Chain Attack
Apr 12, 2023 Software Security / Cyber Attack
Enterprise communications service provider 3CX confirmed that the  supply chain attack  targeting its desktop application for Windows and macOS was the handiwork of a threat actor with North Korean nexus. The findings are the result of an interim assessment conducted by Google-owned Mandiant, whose services were enlisted after the intrusion came to light late last month. The threat intelligence and incident response unit is tracking the activity under its uncategorized moniker  UNC4736 . It's worth noting that CrowdStrike has tied the attack to a Lazarus sub-group dubbed Labyrinth Chollima , citing tactical overlaps. The cybersecurity firm told The Hacker News the latest findings appear to be consistent with their previous attribution. The  attack chain , based on analyses from multiple security vendors, entailed the use of DLL side-loading techniques to load an information stealer known as ICONIC Stealer, followed by a second-stage called  Gopuram  in selective attacks aimed

Gootkit Malware Continues to Evolve with New Components and Obfuscations

Gootkit Malware Continues to Evolve with New Components and Obfuscations
Jan 29, 2023 Cyber Threat / Malware
The threat actors associated with the Gootkit malware have made "notable changes" to their toolset, adding new components and obfuscations to their infection chains. Google-owned Mandiant is  monitoring  the activity cluster under the moniker  UNC2565 , noting that the usage of the malware is "exclusive to this group." Gootkit , also called Gootloader, is spread through compromised websites that victims are tricked into visiting when searching for business-related documents like agreements and contracts via a technique called search engine optimization (SEO) poisoning. The purported documents take the form of ZIP archives that harbor the JavaScript malware, which, when launched, paves the way for additional payloads such as  Cobalt Strike Beacon , FONELAUNCH, and SNOWCONE. FONELAUNCH is a .NET-based loader designed to load an encoded payload into memory, whereas SNOWCONE is a downloader that's tasked with retrieving next-stage payloads, typically  IcedID ,

Russian Turla Hackers Hijack Decade-Old Malware Infrastructure to Deploy New Backdoors

Russian Turla Hackers Hijack Decade-Old Malware Infrastructure to Deploy New Backdoors
Jan 08, 2023 Cyberespionage / Threat Analysis
The Russian cyberespionage group known as Turla has been observed piggybacking on attack infrastructure used by a decade-old malware to deliver its own reconnaissance and backdoor tools to targets in Ukraine. Google-owned Mandiant, which is tracking the operation under the uncategorized cluster moniker  UNC4210 , said the hijacked servers correspond to a variant of a commodity malware called  ANDROMEDA  (aka Gamarue) that was uploaded to VirusTotal in 2013. "UNC4210 re-registered at least three expired ANDROMEDA command-and-control (C2) domains and began profiling victims to selectively deploy KOPILUWAK and QUIETCANARY in September 2022," Mandiant researchers  said  in an analysis published last week. Turla, also known by the names Iron Hunter, Krypton, Uroburos, Venomous Bear, and Waterbug, is an elite nation-state outfit that primarily targets government, diplomatic, and military organizations using a large set of custom malware. Since the onset of Russia's  milit

Trojanized Windows 10 Installer Used in Cyberattacks Against Ukrainian Government Entities

Trojanized Windows 10 Installer Used in Cyberattacks Against Ukrainian Government Entities
Dec 16, 2022 Cyber Espionage / Supply Chain Attack
Government entities in Ukraine have been breached as part of a new campaign that leveraged trojanized versions of Windows 10 installer files to conduct post-exploitation activities. Mandiant, which discovered the "socially engineered supply chain" attack around mid-July 2022, said the malicious ISO files were distributed via Ukrainian- and Russian-language Torrent websites. It's tracking the threat cluster as  UNC4166 . "Upon installation of the compromised software, the malware gathers information on the compromised system and exfiltrates it," the cybersecurity company  said  in a technical deep dive published Thursday. Although the adversarial collective's provenance is unknown, the intrusions are said to have targeted organizations that were previously victims of disruptive wiper attacks attributed to  APT28 , a  Russian state-sponsored actor . The ISO file, per the Google-owned threat intelligence firm, was designed to disable the transmission of te

APT29 Exploited a Windows Feature to Compromise European Diplomatic Entity Network

APT29 Exploited a Windows Feature to Compromise European Diplomatic Entity Network
Nov 09, 2022
The Russia-linked APT29 nation-state actor has been found leveraging a "lesser-known" Windows feature called Credential Roaming following a successful phishing attack against an unnamed European diplomatic entity. "The diplomatic-centric targeting is consistent with Russian strategic priorities as well as historic APT29 targeting," Mandiant researcher Thibault Van Geluwe de Berlaere  said  in a technical write-up. APT29, a Russian espionage group also called Cozy Bear, Iron Hemlock, and The Dukes, is  known  for its intrusions aimed at collecting intelligence that align with the country's strategic objectives. It's believed to be sponsored by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR). Some of the adversarial collective's cyber activities are tracked publicly under the moniker  Nobelium , a threat cluster responsible for the widespread supply chain compromise through SolarWinds software in December 2020. The Google-owned threat intelligence and inciden

New Chinese Cyberespionage Group Targeting IT Service Providers and Telcos

New Chinese Cyberespionage Group Targeting IT Service Providers and Telcos
Oct 14, 2022
Telecommunications and IT service providers in the Middle East and Asia are being targeted by a previously undocumented Chinese-speaking threat group dubbed WIP19 . The espionage-related attacks are characterized by the use of a stolen digital certificate issued by a Korean company called DEEPSoft to sign malicious artifacts deployed during the infection chain to evade detection. "Almost all operations performed by the threat actor were completed in a 'hands-on keyboard' fashion, during an interactive session with compromised machines," SentinelOne researchers Joey Chen and Amitai Ben Shushan Ehrlich  said  in a report this week. "This meant the attacker gave up on a stable [command-and-control] channel in exchange for stealth." WIP, short for work-in-progress, is the moniker assigned by SentinelOne to emerging or hitherto unattributed activity clusters,  similar  to the UNC####, DEV-####, and TAG-## designations given by Mandiant, Microsoft, and Reco

New Malware Families Found Targeting VMware ESXi Hypervisors

New Malware Families Found Targeting VMware ESXi Hypervisors
Sep 30, 2022
Threat actors have been found deploying never-before-seen post-compromise implants in VMware's virtualization software to seize control of infected systems and evade detection. Google's Mandiant threat intelligence division referred to it as a "novel malware ecosystem" that impacts VMware ESXi, Linux vCenter servers, and Windows virtual machines, allowing attackers to maintain persistent access to the  hypervisor  as well as execute arbitrary commands. The  hyperjacking attacks , per the cybersecurity vendor, involved the use of malicious vSphere Installation Bundles ( VIBs ) to sneak in two implants, dubbed VIRTUALPITA and VIRTUALPIE, on the ESXi hypervisors. "It is important to highlight that this is not an external remote code execution vulnerability; the attacker needs admin-level privileges to the ESXi hypervisor before they can deploy malware," Mandiant researchers Alexander Marvi, Jeremy Koppen, Tufail Ahmed, and Jonathan Lepore said in an exhaus

Researchers Identify 3 Hacktivist Groups Supporting Russian Interests

Researchers Identify 3 Hacktivist Groups Supporting Russian Interests
Sep 26, 2022
At least three alleged hacktivist groups working in support of Russian interests are likely doing so in collaboration with state-sponsored cyber threat actors, according to Mandiant. The Google-owned threat intelligence and incident response firm  said  with moderate confidence that "moderators of the purported hacktivist Telegram channels 'XakNet Team,' 'Infoccentr,' and 'CyberArmyofRussia_Reborn' are coordinating their operations with Russian Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU)-sponsored cyber threat actors." Mandiant's assessment is based on evidence that the leakage of data stolen from Ukrainian organizations occurred within 24 hours of  malicious wiper incidents  undertaken by the Russian nation-state group tracked as  APT28  (aka Fancy Bear, Sofacy, or Strontium). To that end, four of the 16 data leaks from these groups coincided with  disk wiping malware attacks  by APT28 that involved the use of a strain dubbed  CaddyWiper . APT28 , a

North Korean Hackers Spreading Trojanized Versions of PuTTY Client Application

North Korean Hackers Spreading Trojanized Versions of PuTTY Client Application
Sep 16, 2022
A threat with a North Korea nexus has been found leveraging a "novel spear phish methodology" that involves making use of trojanized versions of the PuTTY SSH and Telnet client. Google-owned threat intelligence firm Mandiant attributed the new campaign to an emerging threat cluster it tracks under the name  UNC4034 . "UNC4034 established communication with the victim over WhatsApp and lured them to download a malicious ISO package regarding a fake job offering that led to the deployment of the AIRDRY.V2 backdoor through a trojanized instance of the PuTTY utility," Mandiant researchers  said . The utilization of fabricated job lures as a pathway for malware distribution is an oft-used tactic by North Korean state-sponsored actors, including the Lazarus Group, as part of an enduring campaign called  Operation Dream Job . The entry point of the attack is an ISO file that masquerades as an Amazon Assessment as part of a potential job opportunity at the tech giant.

Iranian APT42 Launched Over 30 Espionage Attacks Against Activists and Dissidents

Iranian APT42 Launched Over 30 Espionage Attacks Against Activists and Dissidents
Sep 11, 2022
A state-sponsored advanced persistent threat (APT) actor newly christened APT42 (formerly UNC788) has been attributed to over 30 confirmed espionage attacks against individuals and organizations of strategic interest to the Iranian government at least since 2015. Cybersecurity firm Mandiant said the group operates as the intelligence gathering arm of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), not to mention shares partial overlaps with another cluster called  APT35 , which is also known as Charming Kitten, Cobalt Illusion, ITG18, Phosphorus, TA453, and Yellow Garuda. APT42 has exhibited a propensity to strike various industries such as non-profits, education, governments, healthcare, legal, manufacturing, media, and pharmaceuticals spanning at least 14 countries, including in Australia, Europe, the Middle East, and the U.S. Intrusions aimed at the pharmaceutical sector are also notable for the fact that they commenced at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, i
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