Fire Safety & Fire Warden (UK)


No. of mini-lessons4


Duration 10'

No. of mini-lessons 4

Resources Infographic

Course overview

Your employees probably know their way around their workplace like the back of their hand, right? It’s easy for them to picture where everything is, especially the important stuff, like the coffee machine. But do they know what to do, and where to go, in the event of a fire? 

In the UK, workplaces must follow fire-safety regulations to keep the risk of fire as low as possible. This includes things like putting in place fire-prevention measures and emergency procedures and appointing a fire warden. These are in place already. But, your employees have an important part to play in making their workplace as fire-safe as possible.

What's covered

The relevant UK fire-safety regulations

The role and responsibilities of the fire warden

Best practices to ensure fire safety in the workplace

Why your teams need this course

Fire safety is among the most important things for your employees to know about, wherever they work. This course looks at the UK workplace fire regulations and the fire warden’s role and responsibilities. By using the guidance in this course, they’ll be able to help keep their workplace fire-safe.