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New DotRunpeX Malware Delivers Multiple Malware Families via Malicious Ads

New DotRunpeX Malware Delivers Multiple Malware Families via Malicious Ads

Mar 20, 2023 Cyber Threat / Malware
A new piece of malware dubbed  dotRunpeX  is being used to distribute numerous known malware families such as  Agent Tesla ,  Ave Maria ,  BitRAT ,  FormBook ,  LokiBot ,  NetWire ,  Raccoon Stealer ,  RedLine Stealer ,  Remcos ,  Rhadamanthys , and  Vidar . "DotRunpeX is a new injector written in .NET using the Process Hollowing technique and used to infect systems with a variety of known malware families," Check Point  said  in a report published last week. Said to be in active development, dotRunpeX arrives as a second-stage malware in the infection chain, often deployed via a downloader (aka loader) that's transmitted through phishing emails as malicious attachments. Alternatively, it's known to leverage malicious Google Ads on search result pages to direct unsuspecting users searching for popular software such as AnyDesk and LastPass to copycat sites hosting trojanized installers. The latest DotRunpeX artifacts, first spotted in October 2022, add an extra o
FakeCalls Vishing Malware Targets South Korean Users via Popular Financial Apps

FakeCalls Vishing Malware Targets South Korean Users via Popular Financial Apps

Mar 17, 2023 Mobile Security / Scam Alert
An Android voice phishing (aka vishing) malware campaign known as FakeCalls has reared its head once again to target South Korean users under the guise of over 20 popular financial apps. "FakeCalls malware possesses the functionality of a Swiss army knife, able not only to conduct its primary aim but also to extract private data from the victim's device," cybersecurity firm Check Point said . FakeCalls was previously documented by Kaspersky in April 2022, describing the malware's capabilities to imitate phone conversations with a bank customer support agent. In the observed attacks, users who install the rogue banking app are enticed into calling the financial institution by offering a fake low-interest loan. At the point where the phone call actually happens, a pre-recorded audio with instructions from the real bank is played. Simultaneously, the malware conceals the phone number with the bank's legitimate number to give the impression that a conversation
cyber security

New SaaS Security Solution at a No-Brainer Price - Start Free, Decide Later

websitewing.securitySaaS Security / SSPM
Wing Security recently released "Essential SSPM" to make SaaS security easy and accessible to anyone.
A New Security Category Addresses Web-borne Threats

A New Security Category Addresses Web-borne Threats

Mar 17, 2023 Browser Security / Endpoint Protection
In the modern corporate IT environment, which relies on cloud connectivity, global connections and large volumes of data, the browser is now the most important work interface. The browser connects employees to managed resources, devices to the web, and the on-prem environment to the cloud one. Yet, and probably unsurprisingly, this browser prominence has significantly increased the number of threats that adversaries target the browser with. Attackers are now leveraging the browser's core functionality - rendering and executing web pages for users to access - to perform attacks. The browser is now an attack surface, as well as an attack vector for malicious access to corporate SaaS and web applications through account takeover and the use of compromised credentials. To address this issue, a new guide was recently published ( Download Here ). It analyzes what a solution to these threats would look like. The guide, "Protection from web-borne threats starts with Browser Securit
Cryptojacking Group TeamTNT Suspected of Using Decoy Miner to Conceal Data Exfiltration

Cryptojacking Group TeamTNT Suspected of Using Decoy Miner to Conceal Data Exfiltration

Mar 16, 2023 Cryptojacking / Cyber Attack
The cryptojacking group known as  TeamTNT  is suspected to be behind a previously undiscovered strain of malware used to mine Monero cryptocurrency on compromised systems. That's according to Cado Security, which  found  the  sample  after Sysdig detailed a sophisticated attack known as  SCARLETEEL  aimed at containerized environments to ultimately steal proprietary data and software. Specifically, the early phase of the attack chain involved the use of a cryptocurrency miner, which the cloud security firm suspected was deployed as a decoy to conceal the detection of data exfiltration. The artifact – uploaded to VirusTotal late last month – "bear[s] several syntactic and semantic similarities to prior TeamTNT payloads, and includes a wallet ID that has previously been attributed to them," a new analysis from Cado Security has  revealed . TeamTNT , active since at least 2019, has been documented to repeatedly strike cloud and container environments to deploy cryptocur
Multiple Hacker Groups Exploit 3-Year-Old Vulnerability to Breach U.S. Federal Agency

Multiple Hacker Groups Exploit 3-Year-Old Vulnerability to Breach U.S. Federal Agency

Mar 16, 2023 Cyber Attack / Vulnerability
Multiple threat actors, including a nation-state group, exploited a critical three-year-old security flaw in Progress Telerik to break into an unnamed federal entity in the U.S. The  disclosure  comes from a  joint advisory  issued by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-ISAC). "Exploitation of this vulnerability allowed malicious actors to successfully execute remote code on a federal civilian executive branch (FCEB) agency's Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) web server," the agencies  said . The indicators of compromise (IoCs) associated with the digital break-in were identified from November 2022 through early January 2023. Tracked as  CVE-2019-18935  (CVSS score: 9.8), the issue relates to a .NET  deserialization vulnerability  affecting Progress Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX that, if left unpatched, could  lead to remote code exec
Microsoft Rolls Out Patches for 80 New Security Flaws — Two Under Active Attack

Microsoft Rolls Out Patches for 80 New Security Flaws — Two Under Active Attack

Mar 15, 2023 Patch Tuesday / Software Update
Microsoft's Patch Tuesday update for March 2023 is rolling out with remediations for a set of  80 security flaws , two of which have come under active exploitation in the wild. Eight of the 80 bugs are rated Critical, 71 are rated Important, and one is rated Moderate in severity. The updates are in  addition to 29 flaws  the tech giant fixed in its Chromium-based Edge browser in recent weeks. The two vulnerabilities that have come under active attack include a Microsoft Outlook privilege escalation flaw ( CVE-2023-23397 , CVSS score: 9.8) and a Windows SmartScreen security feature bypass ( CVE-2023-24880 , CVSS score: 5.1). CVE-2023-23397 is "triggered when an attacker sends a message with an extended MAPI property with a UNC path to an SMB (TCP 445) share on a threat actor-controlled server," Microsoft  said  in a standalone advisory. A threat actor could leverage this flaw by sending a specially crafted email, activating it automatically when it is retrieved and pr
Large-scale Cyber Attack Hijacks East Asian Websites for Adult Content Redirects

Large-scale Cyber Attack Hijacks East Asian Websites for Adult Content Redirects

Mar 13, 2023 Web Security / Cyber Threat
A widespread malicious cyber operation has hijacked thousands of websites aimed at East Asian audiences to redirect visitors to adult-themed content since early September 2022. The ongoing campaign entails injecting malicious JavaScript code to the hacked websites, often connecting to the target web server using legitimate FTP credentials the threat actor previously obtained via an unknown method. "In many cases, these were highly secure auto-generated FTP credentials which the attacker was somehow able to acquire and leverage for website hijacking," Wiz  said  in a report published this month. The fact that the breached websites – owned by both small firms and multinational corporations – utilize different tech stacks and hosting service providers has made it difficult to trace a common attack vector, the cloud security company noted. That having said, one of the common denominators between the websites is that a majority of them are either hosted in China or hosted in
KamiKakaBot Malware Used in Latest Dark Pink APT Attacks on Southeast Asian Targets

KamiKakaBot Malware Used in Latest Dark Pink APT Attacks on Southeast Asian Targets

Mar 13, 2023 Cyber Attack / Malware
The  Dark Pink  advanced persistent threat (APT) actor has been linked to a fresh set of attacks targeting government and military entities in Southeast Asian countries with a malware called KamiKakaBot. Dark Pink, also called Saaiwc, was extensively profiled by Group-IB earlier this year, describing its use of custom tools such as TelePowerBot and KamiKakaBot to run arbitrary commands and exfiltrate sensitive information. The threat actor is suspected to be of Asia-Pacific origin and has been active since at least mid-2021, with an increased tempo observed in 2022. "The latest attacks, which took place in February 2023, were almost identical to previous attacks," Dutch cybersecurity company EclecticIQ  disclosed  in a new report published last week. "The main difference in the February campaign is that the malware's obfuscation routine has improved to better evade anti-malware measures." The attacks play out in the form of social engineering lures that
Experts Warn of 'Beep' - A New Evasive Malware That Can Fly Under the Radar

Experts Warn of 'Beep' - A New Evasive Malware That Can Fly Under the Radar

Feb 15, 2023 Threat Detection / Malware
Cybersecurity researchers have unearthed a new piece of evasive malware dubbed  Beep  that's designed to fly under the radar and drop additional payloads onto a compromised host. "It seemed as if the authors of this malware were trying to implement as many anti-debugging and anti-VM (anti-sandbox) techniques as they could find," Minerva Labs researcher Natalie Zargarov  said . "One such technique involved delaying execution through the use of the  Beep API function , hence the malware's name." Beep comprises three components, the first of which is a dropper that's responsible for creating a new Windows Registry key and executing a Base64-encoded PowerShell script stored in it. The PowerShell script, for its part, reaches out to a remote server to retrieve an injector, which, after confirming it's not being debugged or launched in a virtual machine, extracts and launches the payload via a technique called  process hollowing . The payload is an
How to Think Like a Hacker and Stay Ahead of Threats

How to Think Like a Hacker and Stay Ahead of Threats

Feb 08, 2023 Cyber Security / Cyber Threats
To succeed as a cybersecurity analyst, you need to understand the traits, values, and thought processes of hackers, along with the tools they use to launch their attacks.  During a  webinar called The Hacker Mindset,  a Red Team Researcher shared how you can use some of these tools for your own detection and prevention of breaches. He also demonstrated how an attack takes place using the  Follina exploit  as an example. So, what does "the hacker mindset" mean?  The hacker mindset can be characterized by three core values: a strong sense of curiosity, an adversarial attitude, and persistence.  3 core values of a hacker's mindset  1  —  "Curiosity might have killed the cat, but it had nine lives." Curiosity drives hackers to explore and understand systems, networks, and software in order to identify vulnerabilities. Not only are they constantly seeking new knowledge and skills to improve their abilities and stay ahead of security measures, they're cons
Hackers Exploit Vulnerabilities in Sunlogin to Deploy Sliver C2 Framework

Hackers Exploit Vulnerabilities in Sunlogin to Deploy Sliver C2 Framework

Feb 07, 2023 Cyber Threat / Malware
Threat actors are leveraging known flaws in Sunlogin software to deploy the Sliver command-and-control (C2) framework for carrying out post-exploitation activities. The findings come from AhnLab Security Emergency response Center (ASEC), which discovered that security vulnerabilities in Sunlogin, a remote desktop program developed in China, are being abused to deploy a wide range of payloads. "Not only did threat actors use the Sliver backdoor, but they also used the  BYOVD  (Bring Your Own Vulnerable Driver) malware to incapacitate security products and install reverse shells," the researchers  said . Attack chains commence with the exploitation of two remote code execution bugs in Sunlogin versions prior to v11.0.0.33 (CNVD-2022-03672 and CNVD-2022-10270), followed by delivering Sliver or other malware such as  Gh0st RAT  and XMRig crypto coin miner. In one instance, the threat actor is said to have weaponized the Sunlogin flaws to install a PowerShell script that, in
North Korean Hackers Spread AppleJeus Malware Disguised as Cryptocurrency Apps

North Korean Hackers Spread AppleJeus Malware Disguised as Cryptocurrency Apps

Dec 05, 2022 Threat intelligence / Malware
The Lazarus Group threat actor has been observed leveraging fake cryptocurrency apps as a lure to deliver a previously undocumented version of the AppleJeus malware, according to new findings from Volexity. "This activity notably involves a campaign likely targeting cryptocurrency users and organizations with a variant of the AppleJeus malware by way of malicious Microsoft Office documents," researchers Callum Roxan, Paul Rascagneres, and Robert Jan Mora  said . The North Korean government is known to adopt a three-pronged approach by employing malicious cyber activity that's orchestrated to collect intelligence, conduct attacks, and generate illicit revenue for the sanctions hit nation. The threats are collectively tracked under the name  Lazarus Group  (aka Hidden Cobra or  Zinc ). "North Korea has conducted cyber theft against financial institutions and cryptocurrency exchanges worldwide, potentially stealing hundreds of millions of dollars, probably to fund
OPERA1ER APT Hackers Targeted Dozens of Financial Organizations in Africa

OPERA1ER APT Hackers Targeted Dozens of Financial Organizations in Africa

Nov 03, 2022
A French-speaking threat actor dubbed  OPERA1ER  has been linked to a series of more than 30 successful cyber attacks aimed at banks, financial services, and telecom companies across Africa, Asia, and Latin America between 2018 and 2022. According to Singapore-headquartered cybersecurity company Group-IB, the attacks have led to thefts totaling $11 million, with actual damages estimated to be as high as $30 million. Some of the more recent attacks in 2021 and 2021 have singled out five different banks in Burkina Faso, Benin, Ivory Coast, and Senegal. Many of the victims identified are said to have been compromised twice, and their infrastructure subsequently weaponized to strike other organizations. OPERA1ER, also called by the names DESKTOP-GROUP, Common Raven, and NXSMS, is known to be active since 2016, operating with the goal of conducting financially motivated heists and exfiltration of documents for further use in spear-phishing attacks. "OPERA1ER often operates during
High-Severity Flaws in Juniper Junos OS Affect Enterprise Networking Devices

High-Severity Flaws in Juniper Junos OS Affect Enterprise Networking Devices

Oct 28, 2022
Multiple high-severity security flaws have been disclosed as affecting Juniper Networks devices, some of which could be exploited to achieve code execution. Chief among them is a remote pre-authenticated PHP archive file deserialization vulnerability (CVE-2022-22241, CVSS score: 8.1) in the J-Web component of Junos OS, according to Octagon Networks researcher Paulos Yibelo. "This vulnerability can be exploited by an unauthenticated remote attacker to get remote phar files deserialized, leading to arbitrary file write, which leads to a remote code execution (RCE)," Yibelo  said  in a report shared with The Hacker News. Also identified are five other issues, which are listed as follow - CVE-2022-22242  (CVSS score: 6.1) - A pre-authenticated reflected  XSS  on the error page ("error.php"), allowing a remote adversary to siphon Junos OS admin session and chained with other flaws that require authentication. CVE-2022-22243  (CVSS score: 4.3) &  CVE-2022-22
Google Rolling Out Passkey Passwordless Login Support to Android and Chrome

Google Rolling Out Passkey Passwordless Login Support to Android and Chrome

Oct 12, 2022
Google on Wednesday officially rolled out support for passkeys, the next-generation authentication standard, to both Android and Chrome. "Passkeys are a significantly safer replacement for passwords and other phishable authentication factors," the tech giant  said . "They cannot be reused, don't leak in server breaches, and protect users from phishing attacks." The feature was  first announced  in May 2022 as part of a broader push to support a common passwordless sign-in standard. Passkeys, established by the FIDO Alliance and also backed by  Apple and Microsoft , aim to replace standard passwords with unique digital keys that are stored locally on the device. To that end, creating a passkey requires confirmation from the end-user about the account that will be used to log in to the online service, followed by using their biometric information or the  device   passcode . Signing in to a website on a mobile device is also a simple two-step process that en
Fake Indian Banking Rewards Apps Targeting Android Users with Info-stealing Malware

Fake Indian Banking Rewards Apps Targeting Android Users with Info-stealing Malware

Sep 23, 2022
An SMS-based phishing campaign is targeting customers of Indian banks with information-stealing malware that masquerades as a rewards application. The Microsoft 365 Defender Research Team said that the messages contain links that redirect users to a sketchy website that triggers the download of the fake banking rewards app for ICICI Bank. "The malware's RAT capabilities allow the attacker to intercept important device notifications such as incoming messages, an apparent effort to catch two-factor authentication (2FA) messages often used by banking and financial institutions," researchers Shivang Desai, Abhishek Pustakala, and Harshita Tripathi  said . Additionally, the malware is equipped with the ability to steal SMSes, potentially enabling the attacker to swipe 2FA codes sent as text messages and gain unauthorized access to victim accounts. Like other social engineering attacks, familiar brand logos and names are used in the smishing message as well as the rogue a
U.S. Charges 3 Iranian Hackers and Sanctions Several Others Over Ransomware Attacks

U.S. Charges 3 Iranian Hackers and Sanctions Several Others Over Ransomware Attacks

Sep 15, 2022
The U.S. Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) on Wednesday announced sweeping sanctions against ten individuals and two entities backed by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) for their involvement in ransomware attacks at least since October 2020. The agency said the cyber activity mounted by the individuals is partially attributable to intrusion sets tracked under the names APT35, Charming Kitten, Nemesis Kitten, Phosphorus, and TunnelVision. "This group has launched extensive campaigns against organizations and officials across the globe, particularly targeting U.S. and Middle Eastern defense, diplomatic, and government personnel, as well as private industries including media, energy, business services, and telecommunications," the Treasury  said . The Nemesis Kitten actor, which is also known as  Cobalt Mirage ,  DEV-0270 , and  UNC2448 , has come under the scanner in recent months for its pattern of ransomware attacks for o
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