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New Report Reveals Shuckworm's Long-Running Intrusions on Ukrainian Organizations

New Report Reveals Shuckworm's Long-Running Intrusions on Ukrainian Organizations

Jun 15, 2023 Cyber War / Threat Intel
The Russian threat actor known as  Shuckworm  has continued its cyber assault spree against Ukrainian entities in a bid to steal sensitive information from compromised environments. Targets of the recent intrusions, which began in February/March 2023, include security services, military, and government organizations, Symantec  said  in a new report shared with The Hacker News. "In some cases, the Russian group succeeded in staging long-running intrusions, lasting for as long as three months," the cybersecurity company said. "The attackers repeatedly attempted to access and steal sensitive information such as reports about the deaths of Ukrainian service members, reports from enemy engagements and air strikes, arsenal inventory reports, training reports, and more." Shuckworm, also known by the names Aqua Blizzard (formerly Actinium), Armageddon, Gamaredon, Iron Tilden, Primitive Bear, Trident Ursa, UNC530, and Winterflounder, is attributed to the Russia's Fe
Asylum Ambuscade: A Cybercrime Group with Espionage Ambitions

Asylum Ambuscade: A Cybercrime Group with Espionage Ambitions

Jun 09, 2023 Cybercrime / APT
The threat actor known as  Asylum Ambuscade  has been observed straddling cybercrime and cyber espionage operations since at least early 2020. "It is a crimeware group that targets bank customers and cryptocurrency traders in various regions, including North America and Europe," ESET  said  in an analysis published Thursday. "Asylum Ambuscade also does espionage against government entities in Europe and Central Asia." Asylum Ambuscade was  first documented  by Proofpoint in March 2022 as a nation-state-sponsored phishing campaign that targeted European governmental entities in an attempt to obtain intelligence on refugee and supply movement in the region. The goal of the attackers, per the Slovak cybersecurity firm, is to siphon confidential information and web email credentials from official government email portals. The attacks start off with a spear-phishing email bearing a malicious Excel spreadsheet attachment that, when opened, either exploits VBA code o
cyber security

New SaaS Security Solution at a No-Brainer Price - Start Free, Decide Later

websitewing.securitySaaS Security / SSPM
Wing Security recently released "Essential SSPM" to make SaaS security easy and accessible to anyone.
Stealth Soldier: A New Custom Backdoor Targets North Africa with Espionage Attacks

Stealth Soldier: A New Custom Backdoor Targets North Africa with Espionage Attacks

Jun 09, 2023 Cyber Espionage / APT
A new custom backdoor dubbed  Stealth Soldier  has been deployed as part of a set of highly-targeted espionage attacks in North Africa. "Stealth Soldier malware is an undocumented backdoor that primarily operates surveillance functions such as file exfiltration, screen and microphone recording, keystroke logging and stealing browser information," cybersecurity company Check Point  said  in a technical report. The ongoing operation is characterized by the use of command-and-control (C&C) servers that mimic sites belonging to the Libyan Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The earliest artifacts associated with the campaign date back to October 2022. The attacks commence with potential targets downloading bogus downloader binaries that are delivered via social engineering attacks. The intermediate payloads act as a conduit for retrieving Stealth Soldier, while simultaneously displaying a decoy empty PDF file. The custom modular implant, which is believed to be used sparingly,
Cyber Attacks Strike Ukraine's State Bodies in Espionage Operation

Cyber Attacks Strike Ukraine's State Bodies in Espionage Operation

May 24, 2023 Cyber War / Threat Intel
The Computer Emergency Response Team of Ukraine (CERT-UA) has warned of cyber attacks targeting state bodies in the country as part of an espionage campaign. The  intrusion set , attributed to a threat actor tracked by the authority as UAC-0063 since 2021, leverages phishing lures to deploy a variety of malicious tools on infected systems. The origins of the hacking crew are presently unknown. In the attack chain described by the agency, the emails targeted an unspecified ministry and purported to be from the Embassy of Tajikistan in Ukraine. It's suspected that the messages were sent from a previously compromised mailbox. The emails come attached with a Microsoft Word document that, upon enabling macros, launches an encoded VBScript called HATVIBE, which is then used to drop additional malware. This includes a keylogger (LOGPIE), a Python-based backdoor capable of running commands sent from a remote server (CHERRYSPY), and a tool focused on exfiltrating files with specific e
Bad Magic's Extended Reign in Cyber Espionage Goes Back Over a Decade

Bad Magic's Extended Reign in Cyber Espionage Goes Back Over a Decade

May 22, 2023 Cyber Espionage / Malware
New findings about a hacker group linked to cyber attacks targeting companies in the Russo-Ukrainian conflict area reveal that it may have been around for much longer than previously thought. The threat actor, tracked as  Bad Magic  (aka Red Stinger), has not only been linked to a fresh sophisticated campaign, but also to an activity cluster that first came to light in May 2016. "While the previous targets were primarily located in the Donetsk, Luhansk, and Crimea regions, the scope has now widened to include individuals, diplomatic entities, and research organizations in Western and Central Ukraine," Russian cybersecurity firm Kaspersky  said  in a technical report published last week. The campaign is characterized by the use of a novel modular framework codenamed CloudWizard, which features capabilities to take screenshots, record microphone, log keystrokes, grab passwords, and harvest Gmail inboxes. Bad Magic was  first documented  by the company in March 2023, detail
U.S. Government Neutralizes Russia's Most Sophisticated Snake Cyber Espionage Tool

U.S. Government Neutralizes Russia's Most Sophisticated Snake Cyber Espionage Tool

May 10, 2023 Cyber Espionage / Cyber Attack
The U.S. government on Tuesday announced the court-authorized disruption of a global network compromised by an advanced malware strain known as  Snake  wielded by Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB). Snake, dubbed the "most sophisticated cyber espionage tool," is the handiwork of a Russian state-sponsored group called  Turla  (aka Iron Hunter, Secret Blizzard, SUMMIT, Uroburos, Venomous Bear, and Waterbug), which the U.S. government attributes to a unit within Center 16 of the FSB. The threat actor has a  track record  of heavily focusing on entities in Europe, the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), and countries affiliated with NATO, with recent activity expanding its footprint to incorporate Middle Eastern nations deemed a threat to countries supported by Russia in the region. "For nearly 20 years, this unit [...] has used versions of the Snake malware to steal sensitive documents from hundreds of computer systems in at least 50 countries, which have
SideCopy Using Action RAT and AllaKore RAT to infiltrate Indian Organizations

SideCopy Using Action RAT and AllaKore RAT to infiltrate Indian Organizations

May 08, 2023 Cyber Espionage / Threat Intel
The suspected Pakistan-aligned threat actor known as  SideCopy  has been observed leveraging themes related to the Indian military research organization as part of an ongoing phishing campaign. This involves using a ZIP archive lure pertaining to India's Defence Research and Development Organization ( DRDO ) to deliver a malicious payload capable of harvesting sensitive information, Fortinet FortiGuard Labs  said  in a new report. The cyber espionage group, with  activity  dating back to at least 2019, targets entities that align with Pakistan government interests. It's believed to share overlaps with another Pakistani hacking crew called  Transparent Tribe . SideCopy's use of DRDO-related decoys for malware distribution was previously flagged by  Cyble  and Chinese cybersecurity firm  QiAnXin  in March 2023, and again by  Team Cymru  last month. Interestingly, the same attack chains have been observed to load and execute Action RAT as well as an open source remote ac
Meta Uncovers Massive Social Media Cyber Espionage Operations Across South Asia

Meta Uncovers Massive Social Media Cyber Espionage Operations Across South Asia

May 04, 2023 Social Media / Cyber Risk
Three different threat actors leveraged hundreds of elaborate fictitious personas on Facebook and Instagram to target individuals located in South Asia as part of disparate attacks. "Each of these APTs relied heavily on social engineering to trick people into clicking on malicious links, downloading malware or sharing personal information across the internet," Guy Rosen, chief information security officer at Meta,  said . "This investment in social engineering meant that these threat actors did not have to invest as much on the malware side." The fake accounts, in addition to using traditional lures like women looking for a romantic connection, masqueraded as recruiters, journalists, or military personnel. At least two of the  cyber espionage efforts  entailed the use of low-sophistication malware with reduced capabilities, likely in an attempt to get past  app verification checks  established by Apple and Google.  One of the groups that came under Meta's r
Chinese Hacker Group Earth Longzhi Resurfaces with Advanced Malware Tactics

Chinese Hacker Group Earth Longzhi Resurfaces with Advanced Malware Tactics

May 03, 2023 Cyber Espionage / Malware
A Chinese state-sponsored hacking outfit has resurfaced with a new campaign targeting government, healthcare, technology, and manufacturing entities based in Taiwan, Thailand, the Philippines, and Fiji after more than six months of no activity. Trend Micro  attributed  the intrusion set to a cyber espionage group it tracks under the name  Earth Longzhi , which is a subgroup within  APT41  (aka HOODOO or Winnti) and shares overlaps with various other clusters known as Earth Baku, SparklingGoblin, and GroupCC. Earth Longzhi was  first documented  by the cybersecurity firm in November 2022, detailing its attacks against various organizations located in East and Southeast Asia as well as Ukraine. Attack chains mounted by the threat actor leverage vulnerable public-facing applications as entry points to deploy the  BEHINDER web shell , and then leverage that access to drop additional payloads, including a new variant of a Cobalt Strike loader called CroxLoader. "This recent campa
Paperbug Attack: New Politically-Motivated Surveillance Campaign in Tajikistan

Paperbug Attack: New Politically-Motivated Surveillance Campaign in Tajikistan

Apr 27, 2023 Cyber Espionage
A little-known Russian-speaking cyber-espionage group has been linked to a new politically-motivated surveillance campaign targeting high-ranking government officials, telecom services, and public service infrastructures in Tajikistan. The intrusion set, dubbed  Paperbug  by Swiss cybersecurity company PRODAFT, has been attributed to a threat actor known as  Nomadic Octopus  (aka DustSquad). "The types of compromised machines range from individuals' computers to [operational technology] devices," PRODAFT said in a deep dive technical report shared with The Hacker News. "These targets make operation 'Paperbug' intelligence-driven." The ultimate motive behind the attacks is unclear at this stage, but the cybersecurity firm has raised the possibility that it could be the work of opposition forces within the country or, alternatively, an intelligence-gathering mission carried out by Russia or China. Nomadic Octopus first came to light in October 2018 w
Chinese Hackers Using MgBot Malware to Target International NGOs in Mainland China

Chinese Hackers Using MgBot Malware to Target International NGOs in Mainland China

Apr 26, 2023 Cyber Threat / APT Group
The advanced persistent threat (APT) group referred to as  Evasive Panda  has been observed targeting an international non-governmental organization (NGO) in Mainland China with malware delivered via update channels of legitimate applications like Tencent QQ. The attack chains are designed to distribute a Windows installer for MgBot malware, ESET security researcher Facundo Muñoz said in a new report published today. The activity commenced in November 2020 and continued throughout 2021. Evasive Panda, also known as Bronze Highland and Daggerfly, is a Chinese-speaking APT group that has been attributed to a series of  cyber espionage attacks  targeting various entities in China, Hong Kong, and other countries located in East and South Asia since at least late December 2012. The group's hallmark is the use of the custom MgBot modular malware framework, which is capable of receiving additional components on the fly to expand on its intelligence-gathering capabilities. Some of th
Blind Eagle Cyber Espionage Group Strikes Again: New Attack Chain Uncovered

Blind Eagle Cyber Espionage Group Strikes Again: New Attack Chain Uncovered

Apr 19, 2023 Cyber Threat / Malware
The cyber espionage actor tracked as  Blind Eagle  has been linked to a new multi-stage attack chain that leads to the deployment of the NjRAT remote access trojan on compromised systems. "The group is known for using a variety of sophisticated attack techniques, including custom malware, social engineering tactics, and spear-phishing attacks," ThreatMon  said  in a Tuesday report. Blind Eagle, also referred to as APT-C-36, is a suspected Spanish-speaking group that chiefly strikes private and public sector entities in Colombia. Attacks orchestrated by the group have also targeted Ecuador, Chile, and Spain. Infection chains documented by  Check Point  and  BlackBerry  this year have revealed the use of spear-phishing lures to deliver commodity malware families like BitRAT and AsyncRAT, as well as in-memory Python loaders capable of launching a Meterpreter payload. The latest discovery from ThreatMon entails the use of a JavaScript downloader to execute a PowerShell scri
U.S. and U.K. Warn of Russian Hackers Exploiting Cisco Router Flaws for Espionage

U.S. and U.K. Warn of Russian Hackers Exploiting Cisco Router Flaws for Espionage

Apr 19, 2023 Network Security / Cyber Espionage
U.K. and U.S. cybersecurity and intelligence agencies have  warned  of Russian nation-state actors exploiting now-patched flaws in networking equipment from Cisco to conduct reconnaissance and deploy malware against select targets. The  intrusions , per the authorities, took place in 2021 and targeted a small number of entities in Europe, U.S. government institutions, and about 250 Ukrainian victims. The activity has been attributed to a threat actor tracked as  APT28 , which is also known as Fancy Bear, Forest Blizzard (formerly Strontium), FROZENLAKE, and Sofacy, and is affiliated with the Russian General Staff Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU). "APT28 has been known to access vulnerable routers by using default and weak SNMP community strings, and by exploiting CVE-2017-6742," the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) said. CVE-2017-6742  (CVSS score: 8.8) is part of a set of remote code execution flaws that stem from a  buffer overflow condition  in the Simple Ne
Winter Vivern APT Targets European Government Entities with Zimbra Vulnerability

Winter Vivern APT Targets European Government Entities with Zimbra Vulnerability

Mar 31, 2023 Cyber Espionage / APT
The advanced persistent threat (APT) actor known as Winter Vivern is now targeting officials in Europe and the U.S. as part of an ongoing cyber espionage campaign. "TA473 since at least February 2023 has continuously leveraged an unpatched Zimbra vulnerability in publicly facing webmail portals that allows them to gain access to the email mailboxes of government entities in Europe," Proofpoint  said  in a new report. The enterprise security firm is tracking the activity under its own moniker  TA473  (aka UAC-0114), describing it as an adversarial crew whose operations align with that of Russian and Belarussian geopolitical objectives. What it lacks in sophistication, it makes up for in persistence. In recent months, the group has been linked to attacks targeting  state authorities of Ukraine and Poland  as well as  government officials in India, Lithuania, Slovakia, and the Vatican . The NATO-related intrusion wave entails the exploitation of CVE-2022-27926 (CVSS score:
North Korean APT43 Group Uses Cybercrime to Fund Espionage Operations

North Korean APT43 Group Uses Cybercrime to Fund Espionage Operations

Mar 29, 2023 Cyber Threat / Espionage
A new North Korean nation-state cyber operator has been attributed to a series of campaigns orchestrated to gather strategic intelligence that aligns with Pyongyang's geopolitical interests since 2018. Google-owned Mandiant, which is tracking the activity cluster under the moniker  APT43 , said the group's motives are both espionage- and financially-motivated, leveraging techniques like  credential harvesting  and social engineering to further its objectives. The monetary angle to its attack campaigns is an attempt on the part of the threat actor to generate funds to meet its "primary mission of collecting strategic intelligence." Victimology patterns suggest that targeting is focused on South Korea, the U.S., Japan, and Europe, spanning government, education, research, policy institutes, business services, and manufacturing sectors. The threat actor was also observed straying off course by striking health-related verticals and pharma companies from October 2020
Researchers Uncover Chinese Nation State Hackers' Deceptive Attack Strategies

Researchers Uncover Chinese Nation State Hackers' Deceptive Attack Strategies

Mar 24, 2023 Cyber Attack / Hacking
A recent campaign undertaken by  Earth Preta  indicates that nation-state groups aligned with China are getting increasingly proficient at bypassing security solutions. The  threat actor , active since at least 2012, is tracked by the broader cybersecurity community under Bronze President, HoneyMyte, Mustang Panda, RedDelta, and Red Lich. Attack chains mounted by the group commence with a spear-phishing email to deploy a wide range of tools for backdoor access, command-and-control (C2), and data exfiltration. These messages come bearing with malicious lure archives distributed via Dropbox or Google Drive links that employ DLL side-loading, LNK shortcut files, and fake file extensions as arrival vectors to obtain a foothold and drop backdoors like  TONEINS, TONESHELL, PUBLOAD , and  MQsTTang  (aka QMAGENT). Similar infection chains utilizing Google Drive links have been observed  delivering Cobalt Strike  as early as April 2021. "Earth Preta tends to hide malicious payloads
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