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Researchers Uncover Ongoing Attacks Targeting Asian Governments and Telecom Giants

Researchers Uncover Ongoing Attacks Targeting Asian Governments and Telecom Giants
Oct 12, 2023 Cyber Attack / Malware
High-profile government and telecom entities in Asia have been targeted as part of an ongoing campaign since 2021 that's designed to deploy basic backdoors and loaders for delivering next-stage malware. Cybersecurity company Check Point is tracking the activity under the name  Stayin' Alive . Targets include organizations located in Vietnam, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, and Kazakhstan. "The simplistic nature of the tools [...] and their wide variation suggests they are disposable, mostly utilized to download and run additional payloads," it  said  in a report published Wednesday. "These tools share no clear code overlaps with products created by any known actors and do not have much in common with each other." What's notable about the campaign is that the infrastructure  shares overlaps  with that used by  ToddyCat , a China-linked threat actor known for orchestrating cyber assaults against government and military agencies in Europe and Asia since at least

New Variant of Banking Trojan BBTok Targets Over 40 Latin American Banks

New Variant of Banking Trojan BBTok Targets Over 40 Latin American Banks
Sep 22, 2023 Malware / Cyber Threat
An active malware campaign targeting Latin America is dispensing a new variant of a banking trojan called  BBTok , particularly users in Brazil and Mexico. "The BBTok banker has a dedicated functionality that replicates the interfaces of more than 40 Mexican and Brazilian banks, and tricks the victims into entering its 2FA code to their bank accounts or into entering their payment card number," Check Point  said  in research published this week. The payloads are generated by a custom server-side PowerShell script and are unique for each victim based on the operating system and country, while being delivered via phishing emails that leverage a variety of file types. BBTok is a Windows-based banking malware that  first surfaced  in 2020. It's equipped with features that run the typical trojan gamut, allowing it to enumerate and kill processes, issue remote commands, manipulate keyboard, and serve fake login pages for banks operating in the two countries. The attack cha

New SaaS Security Solution at a No-Brainer Price - Start Free, Decide Later

websitewing.securitySaaS Security / SSPM
Wing Security recently released "Essential SSPM" to make SaaS security easy and accessible to anyone.

New Report Exposes Vice Society's Collaboration with Rhysida Ransomware

New Report Exposes Vice Society's Collaboration with Rhysida Ransomware
Aug 09, 2023 Cyber Threat / Ransomware
Tactical similarities have been unearthed between the double extortion ransomware group known as Rhysida and Vice Society , including in their targeting of education and healthcare sectors. "As Vice Society was observed deploying a variety of commodity ransomware payloads, this link does not suggest that Rhysida is exclusively used by Vice Society, but shows with at least medium confidence that Vice Society operators are now using Rhysida ransomware," Check Point  said  in a new report. Vice Society , tracked by Microsoft under the name Storm-0832, has a  pattern  of employing already existing ransomware binaries that are sold on criminal forums to pull off their attacks. The financially motivated gang has also been observed resorting to pure extortion-themed attacks wherein the data is exfiltrated without encrypting them. First observed in May 2023, the  Rhysida  ransomware group is known to rely on phishing attacks and Cobalt Strike to breach targets' networks and

Sophisticated BundleBot Malware Disguised as Google AI Chatbot and Utilities

Sophisticated BundleBot Malware Disguised as Google AI Chatbot and Utilities
Jul 21, 2023 Cyber Threat / Malware
A new malware strain known as BundleBot has been stealthily operating under the radar by taking advantage of  .NET single-file deployment techniques , enabling threat actors to capture sensitive information from compromised hosts. "BundleBot is abusing the dotnet bundle (single-file), self-contained format that results in very low or no static detection at all," Check Point  said  in a report published this week, adding it is "commonly distributed via Facebook Ads and compromised accounts leading to websites masquerading as regular program utilities, AI tools, and games." Some of these websites aim to mimic Google Bard, the company's conversational generative artificial intelligence chatbot, enticing victims into downloading a bogus RAR archive ("Google_AI.rar") hosted on legitimate cloud storage services such as Dropbox. The archive file, when unpacked, contains an executable file ("GoogleAI.exe"), which is the .NET single-file, self-con

China's Mustang Panda Hackers Exploit TP-Link Routers for Persistent Attacks

China's Mustang Panda Hackers Exploit TP-Link Routers for Persistent Attacks
May 16, 2023 Network Security / Threat Intel
The Chinese nation-state actor known as  Mustang Panda  has been linked to a new set of sophisticated and targeted attacks aimed at European foreign affairs entities since January 2023. An analysis of these intrusions, per Check Point researchers Itay Cohen and Radoslaw Madej, has revealed a custom firmware implant designed explicitly for TP-Link routers. "The implant features several malicious components, including a custom backdoor named 'Horse Shell' that enables the attackers to maintain persistent access, build anonymous infrastructure, and enable lateral movement into compromised networks," the company said . "Due to its firmware-agnostic design, the implant's components can be integrated into various firmware by different vendors." The Israeli cybersecurity firm is tracking the threat group under the mythical creature name Camaro Dragon,  which  is  also known as  BASIN, Bronze President, Earth Preta, HoneyMyte, RedDelta, and Red Lich. The

New Android Malware 'FluHorse' Targeting East Asian Markets with Deceptive Tactics

New Android Malware 'FluHorse' Targeting East Asian Markets with Deceptive Tactics
May 05, 2023 Mobile Security / Android
Various sectors in East Asian markets have been subjected to a new email phishing campaign that distributes a previously undocumented strain of Android malware called  FluHorse  that abuses the Flutter software development framework. "The malware features several malicious Android applications that mimic legitimate applications, most of which have more than 1,000,000 installs," Check Point  said  in a technical report. "These malicious apps steal the victims' credentials and two-factor authentication (2FA) codes." The malicious apps have been found to imitate popular apps like ETC and VPBank Neo, which are widely used in Taiwan and Vietnam. Evidence gathered so far shows that the activity has been active since at least May 2022.  The phishing scheme in itself is fairly straightforward, wherein victims are lured with emails that contain links to a bogus website that hosts malicious APK files. Also added to the website are checks that aim to screen victims an

Iranian Hackers Launch Sophisticated Attacks Targeting Israel with PowerLess Backdoor

Iranian Hackers Launch Sophisticated Attacks Targeting Israel with PowerLess Backdoor
Apr 25, 2023 Cyber Threat / PowerShell
An Iranian nation-state threat actor has been linked to a new wave of phishing attacks targeting Israel that's designed to deploy an updated version of a Windows backdoor called PowerLess . Cybersecurity firm Check Point is tracking the activity cluster under its mythical creature handle  Educated Manticore , which exhibits "strong overlaps" with a hacking crew known as APT35, Charming Kitten, Cobalt Illusion, ITG18, Mint Sandstorm (formerly Phosphorus), TA453, and Yellow Garuda. "Like many other actors, Educated Manticore has adopted recent trends and started using ISO images and possibly other archive files to initiate infection chains," the Israeli company  said  in a technical report published today. Active since at least 2011, APT35 has cast a  wide net of targets  by leveraging  fake social media personas ,  spear-phishing techniques , and  N-day vulnerabilities in internet-exposed applications  to gain initial access and drop various payloads, includi

APT-C-36 Strikes Again: Blind Eagle Hackers Target Key Industries in Colombia

APT-C-36 Strikes Again: Blind Eagle Hackers Target Key Industries in Colombia
Feb 28, 2023 Cyber Threat / Malware
The threat actor known as Blind Eagle has been linked to a new campaign targeting various key industries in Colombia. The activity, which was detected by the BlackBerry Research and Intelligence Team on February 20, 2023, is also said to encompass Ecuador, Chile, and Spain, suggesting a slow expansion of the hacking group's victimology footprint. Targeted entities include health, financial, law enforcement, immigration, and an agency in charge of peace negotiation in Colombia, the Canadian cybersecurity company said. Blind Eagle, also known as  APT-C-36 , was  recently covered  by Check Point Research, detailing the adversary's advanced toolset comprising Meterpreter payloads that are delivered via spear-phishing emails. The latest set of attacks involves the group impersonating the Colombian government tax agency, the National Directorate of Taxes and Customs (DIAN), to phish its targets using lures that urge recipients to settle "outstanding obligations." Th

Blind Eagle Hackers Return with Refined Tools and Sophisticated Infection Chain

Blind Eagle Hackers Return with Refined Tools and Sophisticated Infection Chain
Jan 05, 2023 Cyber Attack / Malware
A financially motivated threat actor tracked as  Blind Eagle  has resurfaced with a refined toolset and an elaborate infection chain as part of its attacks targeting organizations in Colombia and Ecuador. Check Point's  latest research  offers new insights into the Spanish-speaking group's tactics and techniques, including the use of sophisticated tools and government-themed lures to activate the killchain. Also tracked under the name APT-C-36, Blind Eagle is notable for its narrow geographical focus and launching indiscriminate attacks against South American nations since at least 2018. Blind Eagle's operations have been  documented  by Trend Micro in September 2021, when it described a spear-phishing campaign primarily aimed at Colombian entities that's designed to deliver a commodity malware known as  BitRAT , with a lesser focus towards targets in Ecuador, Spain, and Panama. Attack chains commence with phishing emails containing a booby-trapped link that, when

10 Credential Stealing Python Libraries Found on PyPI Repository

10 Credential Stealing Python Libraries Found on PyPI Repository
Aug 09, 2022
In what's yet another instance of malicious packages creeping into public code repositories, 10 modules have been removed from the Python Package Index (PyPI) for their ability to harvest critical data points such as passwords and API tokens. The packages "install info-stealers that enable attackers to steal developer's private data and personal credentials," Israeli cybersecurity firm Check Point  said  in a Monday report. A short summary of the offending packages is below - Ascii2text , which downloads a nefarious script that gathers passwords stored in web browsers such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Brave, Opera, and Yandex Browser Pyg-utils, Pymocks, and PyProto2 , which are designed to  steal users' AWS credentials Test-async and Zlibsrc , which download and execute malicious code during installation Free-net-vpn, Free-net-vpn2, and WINRPCexploit , which steal user credentials and environment variables, and Browserdiv , which are capable of coll

New XLoader Botnet Version Using Probability Theory to Hide its C&C Servers

New XLoader Botnet Version Using Probability Theory to Hide its C&C Servers
Jun 01, 2022
An enhanced version of the XLoader malware has been spotted adopting a probability-based approach to camouflage its command-and-control (C&C) infrastructure, according to the latest research. "Now it is significantly harder to separate the wheat from the chaff and discover the real C&C servers among thousands of legitimate domains used by Xloader as a smokescreen," Israeli cybersecurity company Check Point  said . First spotted in the wild in October 2020, XLoader is a successor to Formbook and a  cross-platform information stealer  that's capable of plundering credentials from web browsers, capturing keystrokes and screenshots, and executing arbitrary commands and payloads. More recently, the  ongoing geopolitical conflict  between Russia and Ukraine has proved to be a lucrative fodder for  distributing XLoader  by means of  phishing emails  aimed at high-ranking government officials in Ukraine. The latest findings from Check Point build on a previous repor

TrickBot Malware Targeted Customers of 60 High-Profile Companies Since 2020

TrickBot Malware Targeted Customers of 60 High-Profile Companies Since 2020
Feb 16, 2022
The notorious TrickBot malware is targeting customers of 60 financial and technology companies, including cryptocurrency firms, primarily located in the U.S., even as its operators have updated the botnet with new anti-analysis features. "TrickBot is a sophisticated and versatile malware with more than 20 modules that can be downloaded and executed on demand," Check Point researchers Aliaksandr Trafimchuk and Raman Ladutska  said  in a report published today. In addition to being both prevalent and persistent, TrickBot has  continually   evolved  its tactics to go past security and detection layers. To that end, the malware's "injectDll" web-injects module, which is responsible for stealing banking and credential data, leverages anti-deobfuscation techniques to crash the web page and thwart attempts to scrutinize the source code. Also put in place are anti-analysis guardrails to prevent security researchers from sending automated requests to command-and-con

XLoader Windows InfoStealer Malware Now Upgraded to Attack macOS Systems

XLoader Windows InfoStealer Malware Now Upgraded to Attack macOS Systems
Jul 21, 2021
A popular malware known for stealing sensitive information from Windows machines has evolved into a new strain capable of also targeting Apple's macOS operating system. The upgraded malware, dubbed "XLoader," is a successor to another well-known Windows-based info stealer called Formbook that's known to vacuum credentials from various web browsers, capture screenshots, record keystrokes, and download and execute files from attacker-controlled domains. "For as low as $49 on the Darknet, hackers can buy licenses for the new malware, enabling capabilities to harvest log-in credentials, collect screenshots, log keystrokes, and execute malicious files," cybersecurity firm Check Point said in a report shared with The Hacker News. Distributed via spoofed emails containing malicious Microsoft Office documents, XLoader is estimated to infected victims spanning across 69 countries between December 1, 2020, and June 1, 2021, with 53% of the infections reported in

Hackers Breach ZoneAlarm's Forum Site — Outdated vBulletin to Blame

Hackers Breach ZoneAlarm's Forum Site — Outdated vBulletin to Blame
Nov 11, 2019
ZoneAlarm, an internet security software company owned by Israeli cybersecurity firm Check Point Technologies, has suffered a data breach exposing data of its discussion forum users, the company confirmed The Hacker News. With nearly 100 million downloads, ZoneAlarm offers antivirus software, firewall, and additional virus protection solutions to home PC users, small businesses, and mobile phones worldwide. Though neither ZoneAlarm or its parent company Check Point has yet publicly disclosed the security incident, the company quietly sent an alert via email to all affected users over this weekend, The Hacker News learned. The email-based breach notification advised ZoneAlarm forum users to immediately change their forum account passwords, informing them hackers have unauthorizedly gained access to their names, email addresses, hashed passwords, and date of births. Moreover, the company has also clarified that the security incident only affects users registered with the "
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