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New Rilide Malware Targeting Chromium-Based Browsers to Steal Cryptocurrency

New Rilide Malware Targeting Chromium-Based Browsers to Steal Cryptocurrency

Apr 04, 2023 Browser Security / Cryptocurrency
Chromium-based web browsers are the target of a new malware called Rilide that masquerades itself as a seemingly legitimate extension to harvest sensitive data and siphon cryptocurrency. "Rilide malware is disguised as a legitimate Google Drive extension and enables threat actors to carry out a broad spectrum of malicious activities, including monitoring browsing history, taking screenshots, and injecting malicious scripts to withdraw funds from various cryptocurrency exchanges," Trustwave SpiderLabs Research said in a report shared with The Hacker News. What's more, the stealer malware can display forged dialogs to deceive users into entering a two-factor authentication code to withdraw digital assets. Trustwave said it identified two different campaigns involving  Ekipa RAT  and  Aurora Stealer  that led to the installation of the malicious browser extension. While Ekipa RAT is distributed via booby-trapped Microsoft Publisher files, rogue Google Ads act as the
A New Security Category Addresses Web-borne Threats

A New Security Category Addresses Web-borne Threats

Mar 17, 2023 Browser Security / Endpoint Protection
In the modern corporate IT environment, which relies on cloud connectivity, global connections and large volumes of data, the browser is now the most important work interface. The browser connects employees to managed resources, devices to the web, and the on-prem environment to the cloud one. Yet, and probably unsurprisingly, this browser prominence has significantly increased the number of threats that adversaries target the browser with. Attackers are now leveraging the browser's core functionality - rendering and executing web pages for users to access - to perform attacks. The browser is now an attack surface, as well as an attack vector for malicious access to corporate SaaS and web applications through account takeover and the use of compromised credentials. To address this issue, a new guide was recently published ( Download Here ). It analyzes what a solution to these threats would look like. The guide, "Protection from web-borne threats starts with Browser Securit
cyber security

New SaaS Security Solution at a No-Brainer Price - Start Free, Decide Later

websitewing.securitySaaS Security / SSPM
Wing Security recently released "Essential SSPM" to make SaaS security easy and accessible to anyone.
2023 Browser Security Report Uncovers Major Browsing Risks and Blind Spots

2023 Browser Security Report Uncovers Major Browsing Risks and Blind Spots

Mar 02, 2023 Browser Security
As a primary working interface, the browser plays a significant role in today's corporate environment. The browser is constantly used by employees to access websites, SaaS applications and internal applications, from both managed and unmanaged devices. A new report published by LayerX, a browser security vendor, finds that attackers are exploiting this reality and are targeting it in increasing numbers ( download report here ). The key report findings  Over half of all the browsers in the enterprise environment are misconfigured.  While a configured browser is nearly impossible to compromise, stealing data from misconfigured browsers is like taking candy from a baby. The Leading misconfigurations are improper use of personal browser profiles on work devices (29%), poor patching routine (50%), and the use of corporate browser profiles on unmanaged devices. 3 of every 10 SaaS applications are non-corporate shadow SaaS,  and no SaaS discovery/security solution can address its ris
ChromeLoader Malware Targeting Gamers via Fake Nintendo and Steam Game Hacks

ChromeLoader Malware Targeting Gamers via Fake Nintendo and Steam Game Hacks

Feb 27, 2023 Browser Security / Malware
A new ChromeLoader malware campaign has been observed being distributed via virtual hard disk (VHD) files, marking a deviation from the ISO optical disc image format. "These VHD files are being distributed with filenames that make them appear like either hacks or cracks for Nintendo and Steam games," AhnLab Security Emergency response Center (ASEC)  said  in a report last week. ChromeLoader  (aka Choziosi Loader or ChromeBack) originally surfaced in January 2022 as a browser-hijacking credential stealer but has since evolved into a more potent,  multifaceted   threat  capable of stealing sensitive data, deploying ransomware, and even dropping  decompression bombs . The primary goal of the malware is to  compromise  web browsers like Google Chrome, and modify the browser settings to intercept and direct traffic to dubious advertising websites. What's more, ChromeLoader has emerged as a conduit to  carry out click fraud  by leveraging a browser extension to monetize cl
The Definitive Browser Security Checklist

The Definitive Browser Security Checklist

Jan 25, 2023 Browser Security
Security stakeholders have come to realize that the prominent role the browser has in the modern corporate environment requires a re-evaluation of how it is managed and protected. While not long-ago web-borne risks were still addressed by a patchwork of endpoint, network, and cloud solutions, it is now clear that the partial protection these solutions provided is no longer sufficient. Therefore, more and more security teams are now turning to the emerging category of purpose-built  Browser Security Platform  as the answer to the browser's security challenges. However, as this security solution category is still relatively new, there is not yet an established set of browser security best practices, nor common evaluation criteria. LayerX, the User-First Browser Security Platform, is addressing security teams' need with the downable  Browser Security Checklist ,  that guides its readers through the essentials of choosing the best solution and provides them with an actionable che
Experts Detail Chromium Browser Security Flaw Putting Confidential Data at Risk

Experts Detail Chromium Browser Security Flaw Putting Confidential Data at Risk

Jan 12, 2023 Browser Security / Data Safety
Details have emerged about a now-patched vulnerability in Google Chrome and Chromium-based browsers that, if successfully exploited, could have made it possible to siphon files containing confidential data. "The issue arose from the way the browser interacted with  symlinks  when processing files and directories," Imperva researcher Ron Masas  said . "Specifically, the browser did not properly check if the symlink was pointing to a location that was not intended to be accessible, which allowed for the theft of sensitive files." Google characterized the medium-severity issue (CVE-2022-3656) as a case of insufficient data validation in File System,  releasing   fixes  for it in versions 107 and 108 released in October and November 2022. Dubbed SymStealer, the vulnerability, at its core, relates to a type of weakness known as symbolic link (aka symlink) following, which  occurs  when an attacker abuses the feature to bypass the file system restrictions of a progra
Mitigate the LastPass Attack Surface in Your Environment with this Free Tool

Mitigate the LastPass Attack Surface in Your Environment with this Free Tool

Jan 05, 2023 Password Management / IT Breach
The latest breach announced by LastPass is a major cause for concern to security stakeholders. As often occurs, we are at a security limbo – on the one hand, as LastPass has noted, users who followed LastPass best practices would be exposed to practically zero to extremely low risk. However, to say that password best practices are not followed is a wild understatement. The reality is that there are very few organizations in which these practices are truly enforced. This puts security teams in the worst position, where exposure to compromise is almost certain, but pinpointing the users who created this exposure is almost impossible.  To assist them throughout this challenging time, Browser Security solution LayerX has launched a free offering of its platform, enabling security teams to gain visibility into all browsers on which the LastPass extension is installed and mitigate the potential impacts of the LastPass breach on their environments by informing vulnerable users and require t
This Malware Installs Malicious Browser Extensions to Steal Users' Passwords and Cryptos

This Malware Installs Malicious Browser Extensions to Steal Users' Passwords and Cryptos

Nov 22, 2022
A malicious extension for Chromium-based web browsers has been observed to be distributed via a long-standing Windows information stealer called ViperSoftX . Czech-based cybersecurity company dubbed the rogue browser add-on VenomSoftX owing to its standalone features that enable it to access website visits, steal credentials and clipboard data, and even swap cryptocurrency addresses via an adversary-in-the-middle (AiTM) attack. ViperSoftX, which first  came to light  in February 2020, was characterized by  Fortinet  as a JavaScript-based remote access trojan and cryptocurrency stealer. The malware's use of a browser extension to advance its information-gathering goals was documented by Sophos threat analyst  Colin Cowie  earlier this year. "This multi-stage stealer exhibits interesting hiding capabilities, concealed as small PowerShell scripts on a single line in the middle of otherwise innocent-looking large log files, among others," Avast researcher Jan Rubín  said
Google Rolling Out Passkey Passwordless Login Support to Android and Chrome

Google Rolling Out Passkey Passwordless Login Support to Android and Chrome

Oct 12, 2022
Google on Wednesday officially rolled out support for passkeys, the next-generation authentication standard, to both Android and Chrome. "Passkeys are a significantly safer replacement for passwords and other phishable authentication factors," the tech giant  said . "They cannot be reused, don't leak in server breaches, and protect users from phishing attacks." The feature was  first announced  in May 2022 as part of a broader push to support a common passwordless sign-in standard. Passkeys, established by the FIDO Alliance and also backed by  Apple and Microsoft , aim to replace standard passwords with unique digital keys that are stored locally on the device. To that end, creating a passkey requires confirmation from the end-user about the account that will be used to log in to the online service, followed by using their biometric information or the  device   passcode . Signing in to a website on a mobile device is also a simple two-step process that en
Google Chrome Bug Lets Sites Silently Overwrite System Clipboard Content

Google Chrome Bug Lets Sites Silently Overwrite System Clipboard Content

Sep 02, 2022
A "major" security issue in the Google Chrome web browser, as well as Chromium-based alternatives, could allow malicious web pages to automatically overwrite clipboard content without requiring any user consent or interaction by simply visiting them. The clipboard poisoning attack is said to have been accidentally introduced in Chrome version 104, according to developer Jeff Johnson. While the problem exists in Apple Safari and Mozilla Firefox as well, what makes the issue severe in Chrome is that the requirement for a user gesture to copy content to the clipboard is currently broken. User gestures include selecting a piece of text and pressing Control+C (or ⌘-C for macOS) or selecting "Copy" from the context menu. "Therefore, a gesture as innocent as clicking on a link or pressing the arrow key to scroll down the page gives the website permission to overwrite your system clipboard," Johnson  noted . The ability to substitute clipboard data poses se
New Google Chrome Zero-Day Vulnerability Being Exploited in the Wild

New Google Chrome Zero-Day Vulnerability Being Exploited in the Wild

Aug 17, 2022
Google on Tuesday rolled out patches for Chrome browser for desktops to contain an actively exploited high-severity zero-day flaw in the wild. Tracked as  CVE-2022-2856 , the issue has been described as a case of insufficient validation of untrusted input in  Intents . Security researchers Ashley Shen and Christian Resell of Google Threat Analysis Group have been credited with reporting the flaw on July 19, 2022. As is typically the case, the tech giant has refrained from sharing additional specifics about the shortcoming until a majority of the users are updated. "Google is aware that an exploit for CVE-2022-2856 exists in the wild," it  acknowledged  in a terse statement. The latest update further addresses 10 other security flaws, most of which relate to use-after-free bugs in various components such as FedCM, SwiftShader, ANGLE, and Blink, among others. Also fixed is a heap buffer overflow vulnerability in Downloads. The development marks the fifth zero-day vulnerab
North Korean Hackers Using Malicious Browser Extension to Spy on Email Accounts

North Korean Hackers Using Malicious Browser Extension to Spy on Email Accounts

Jul 30, 2022
A threat actor operating with interests aligned with North Korea has been deploying a malicious extension on Chromium-based web browsers that's capable of stealing email content from Gmail and AOL. Cybersecurity firm Volexity attributed the malware to an activity cluster it calls  SharpTongue , which is said to share overlaps with an  adversarial collective  publicly referred to under the name  Kimsuky . SharpTongue has a history of singling out individuals working for organizations in the U.S., Europe, and South Korea who "work on topics involving North Korea, nuclear issues, weapons systems, and other matters of strategic interest to North Korea," researchers Paul Rascagneres and Thomas Lancaster  said . Kimsuky 's use of rogue extensions in attacks is not new. In 2018, the actor was seen utilizing a Chrome plugin as part of a campaign called  Stolen Pencil  to infect victims and steal browser cookies and passwords. But the latest espionage effort is different
Candiru Spyware Caught Exploiting Google Chrome Zero-Day to Target Journalists

Candiru Spyware Caught Exploiting Google Chrome Zero-Day to Target Journalists

Jul 22, 2022
The actively exploited but now-fixed Google Chrome zero-day flaw that came to light at the start of this month was weaponized by an Israeli spyware company and used in attacks targeting journalists in the Middle East. Czech cybersecurity firm Avast linked the exploitation to  Candiru  (aka Saito Tech), which has a history of  leveraging previously unknown flaws  to deploy a Windows malware dubbed DevilsTongue , a modular implant with  Pegasus -like capabilities. Candiru, along with NSO Group, Computer Security Initiative Consultancy PTE. LTD., and Positive Technologies, were  added to the entity list  by the U.S. Commerce Department in November 2021 for engaging in "malicious cyber activities." "Specifically, a large portion of the attacks took place in Lebanon, where journalists were among the targeted parties," security researcher Jan Vojtěšek, who reported the discovery of the flaw,  said  in a write-up. "We believe the attacks were highly targeted."
New Cache Side Channel Attack Can De-Anonymize Targeted Online Users

New Cache Side Channel Attack Can De-Anonymize Targeted Online Users

Jul 15, 2022
A group of academics from the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) has warned of a novel technique that could be used to defeat  anonymity protections  and identify a unique website visitor. "An attacker who has complete or partial control over a website can learn whether a specific target (i.e., a unique individual) is browsing the website," the researchers  said . "The attacker knows this target only through a public identifier, such as an email address or a Twitter handle." The cache-based targeted  de-anonymization attack  is a  cross-site leak  that involves the adversary leveraging a service such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or YouTube to privately share a resource (e.g., image, video, or a YouTube playlist) with the target, followed by embedding the shared resource into the attack website. This can be achieved by, say, privately sharing the resource with the target using the victim's email address or the appropriate username associated with the serv
Researchers Uncover New Variants of the ChromeLoader Browser Hijacking Malware

Researchers Uncover New Variants of the ChromeLoader Browser Hijacking Malware

Jul 13, 2022
Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered new variants of the  ChromeLoader  information-stealing malware, highlighting its evolving feature set in a short span of time. Primarily used for hijacking victims' browser searches and presenting advertisements, ChromeLoader came to light in January 2022 and has been distributed in the form of ISO or DMG file downloads advertised via QR codes on Twitter and free gaming sites. ChromeLoader has also been codenamed Choziosi Loader and ChromeBack by the broader cybersecurity community. What makes the adware notable is that it's fashioned as a browser extension as opposed to a Windows executable (.exe) or Dynamic Link Library (.dll). The infections typically work by enticing unsuspecting users into downloading movie torrents or cracked video games through malvertising campaigns on pay-per-install sites and social media. Besides requesting invasive permissions to access browser data and manipulate web requests, it's also designed t
Update Google Chrome Browser to Patch New Zero-Day Exploit Detected in the Wild

Update Google Chrome Browser to Patch New Zero-Day Exploit Detected in the Wild

Jul 05, 2022
Google on Monday shipped security updates to address a high-severity zero-day vulnerability in its Chrome web browser that it said is being exploited in the wild. The shortcoming, tracked as  CVE-2022-2294 , relates to a heap overflow flaw in the  WebRTC  component that provides real-time audio and video communication capabilities in browsers without the need to install plugins or download native apps. Heap buffer overflows, also referred to as heap overrun or heap smashing, occur when data is overwritten in the  heap area of the memory , leading to arbitrary code execution or a denial-of-service (DoS) condition. "Heap-based overflows can be used to overwrite function pointers that may be living in memory, pointing it to the attacker's code," MITRE  explains . "When the consequence is arbitrary code execution, this can often be used to subvert any other security service." Credited with reporting the flaw on July 1, 2022, is Jan Vojtesek from the Avast Thre
Google Releases Urgent Chrome Update to Patch Actively Exploited Zero-Day Flaw

Google Releases Urgent Chrome Update to Patch Actively Exploited Zero-Day Flaw

Apr 15, 2022
Google on Thursday shipped emergency patches to address two security issues in its Chrome web browser, one of which it says is being actively exploited in the wild. Tracked as  CVE-2022-1364 , the tech giant described the high-severity bug as a case of type confusion in the V8 JavaScript engine. Clément Lecigne of Google's Threat Analysis Group has been credited with reporting the flaw on April 13, 2022. As is typically the case with actively exploited zero-day flaws, the company acknowledged it's "aware that an exploit for CVE-2022-1364 exists in the wild." Additional details about the flaw and the identity of the threat actors have been withheld to prevent further abuse. With the latest fix, Google has patched a total of three zero-day vulnerabilities in Chrome since the start of the year. It's also the second type confusion-related bug in V8 to be squashed in less than a month - CVE-2022-0609  - Use-after-free in Animation CVE-2022-1096  - Type confusio
Researchers warn of FFDroider and Lightning info-stealers targeting users in the wild

Researchers warn of FFDroider and Lightning info-stealers targeting users in the wild

Apr 11, 2022
Cybersecurity researchers are warning of two different information-stealing malware, named  FFDroider  and  Lightning Stealer , that are capable of siphoning data and launching further attacks. "Designed to send stolen credentials and cookies to a Command & Control server, FFDroider disguises itself on victim's machines to look like the instant messaging application 'Telegram,'" Zscaler ThreatLabz researchers Avinash Kumar and Niraj Shivtarkar  said  in a report published last week. Information stealers, as the name implies, are equipped to harvest sensitive information from compromised machines, such as keystrokes, screenshots, files, saved passwords and cookies from web browsers, that are then transmitted to a remote attacker-controlled domain.  FFDroider is distributed through cracked versions of installers and freeware with the primary objective of stealing cookies and credentials associated with popular social media and e-commerce platforms and using
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